Chapter 21: A Well Deserved Break

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Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

Bold + Italics: Songs lyrics, Voice on speaker

Bold + Underline: Dimension change information

(A/N: All the images, fan-designs, opening, ending or gifs used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

Question: Which Mortal Kombat villain do you want to see here? I was thinking Geras or Scorpion, tell me if anyone else you want to see....

Previously we saw that Issei and the others were planning on how they can take down the Dark Metro, however Naofumi and Jaune get into a fight, which was stopped as Issei intervene, he then informs them that no one will be dying at least not on his watch and leadership. Issei then tells the plan, since he and Ingvild can hide themselves and have become master in stealth and can infiltrate anywhere he went, while the others agreed to be on standby once they get the signal to charge in, everyone sets in their position while Naofumi waited for the Dark Priest to arrive along with his Shadows, the Priest was happy that the sacrifice did not chose to run or escape his fate. The priest then led Naofumi to the Central Plaza where the Sacrifice and The Dark Metro was going to arrive, he then looked among the crowd were Ingvild and Issei as they were in complete stealth. As the 12th ring of the bell was done, the Dark Priest signaled the arrival of the Metro, it stopped next to it's intended sacrifice, and the Dark Priest asked Naofumi to enter the train, which the latter complied, however a voice was heard and Issei and Ingvild commenced their attack as they dealt with the people present there who had witnessed the sacrifice. The battle begin and soon Jaune, Ruby, Summer and Rex also joined the battle, they were all up against the Dark Metro, The Dark Priest and his shadows, they all began to fight them, with Naofumi and Issei taking on the Dark Metro while the others taking on The Dark Priest and his shadows. The Dark Metro started it's attack against the duo, with Issei entering into his Cardinal Crimson mode, however the Dark Metro was capable of overwhelming them with relative ease, forcing Issei to release out Draigg into the battlefield, which he was excited to have his first fight in a long time. Belle suggested to use her ability, Graveyard, which he did summoning multiple skeletons to aid him in the battle, which were able to push back the Dark Metro coupled with Draigg as they overwhelmed him easily the first time. But they realized that the Dark Metro possessed regeneration powers, it managed to destroy most of the soldiers, and went after a child skeleton however Draigg prevented it's charge and sent the thing flying and burnt it, Naofumi knew that the only way to defeat it was the use of Blood Sacrifice which both Belle and Issei did not like, but Naofumi did it anyway resulting in massive blood loss. The Blood formed into a monster that intended to crush it, coupled with Draigg's flames, it was too overwhelming even for him and they were destroyed. Meanwhile 30 minutes earlier, the rest of the team were destroying the Shadows, but were unable to get to the Dark Priest since he was constantly summoning Shadows to aid him, Jaune then had an idea, he asked Ingvild to drench the floor, and Ruby to use her Ice dust to freeze the water making the Dark Priest unable to move, allowing Jaune to send him flying with a single glowing slash. The Priest then woke up to see the Dark Metro struggling, he went to help it but was prevented by Jaune and the others, he tried to contact it telepathically but all he got was a headache, this was the chance to take down the priest once and for all, which they did as everyone used their strongest attacks to take him down and defeat him for good, he then fell unconsious as the voices of the train stopped implying that it was gone for good. Issei then took Draigg inside his gear and joined the others, before he had fed Naofumi Almond Water which he had boosted and carried him on his back he got a call from The Conductor implying that the train got the power back, but little did they know that The Dark Priest was barely alive with little strength remaining he summoned many Shadows aimed at avenging him and his lord, Issei noticed this and said to his teammates to run, which they did, they were chased by the shadows and eventually a mob of angry cult people, they then entered the train which was started and they all got out of there safe and alive

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