Part 1

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Fuck probably should have been the thought Moe had as she glanced at her phone. Another missed call from Nina, the third in 20 minutes. Nina, Moe's current girlfriend had just broken up with her at the neighborhood block party after a disagreement. Nina can at times be too much, and sometimes not enough. If I could have saved Moe from a few heartbreaks, I probably would have. But, Moe was doing a lot of heart breaking too. I mean, for starters those three missed calls in twenty minutes was because Moe wasn't where she was supposed to be. Nina and her got into a fight which put Moe in her feelings, and landed her right in Tay's bed, or living room. I wasn't there so it's a mystery to me. Who is Tay? That's Moe's on again off again fling. Any time Moe is single, on a break, or in her feelings Tay is always on deck, but never up next for that number one spot. I guess you could say Tay was the type of chick that just wanted to feel something, anything. And me? My role in all of this is... complicated. So for now I'll just be the voice of reason because Moe has never chosen to listen to hers. Here's where this begins;

So as I said; Tay's house, bedroom, living room- not really sure. But I imagine it went something like this;

"Tell me you love me" whispered Tay desperately in Moe's ear as she straddled her waist. She needed to feel something, anything to take this moment to a whole new level. "But it wouldn't be true" replied Moe as she grabbed Tay's waist and pulled her closer. Moe knew girls like Tay needed to feel loved whether real or not, but she wasn't the type to throw the L word around for kicks. Tonight was just about forgetting the pain, and feeling good. "Say it anyway", begged Tay as she leaned in closer and kissed Moe passionately. A short laugh let out as the two writhed in unison. The room fell silent with only the heavy breathing of two misguided lovers. In the distance was the sound of car sirens from the music blaring at the block party a few streets over. The noise seemed to muffle under Tay's moans as Moe trailed kisses down her body. Laying there, looking up at the ceiling and feeling Moe's touch, Tay wished the feeling could last forever. The taste of salty skin against her lips, the smell of black raspberry and the feel of smooth goosebumps set Moe to the edge. She needed to own this moment, and feel in control. She wanted to forget about the break up with Nina, and the advice from Cheyenne that she didn't want to hear. Moe needed this just as much as Tay did, and they both knew it.

"Oooh, don't s-stop" moaned Tay as her legs suffocated the only source of pleasure her body had felt in a long time. Panting, Moe continued to explore how far she could go without air. She felt liberated from her troubles, and turned on by Tay's reactions. From a very short distance, Moe could see her phone light up. A picture of Nina lay across the screen as the phone continued to light up. "Somebody's in trouble" laughed Tay as she noticed Moe's veracity for pleasing her slowed up. She assumed that maybe Moe got tired, but also noticed the flashing light from a small screen across the room. "Trouble? That's child's play. I'm good" retorted Moe as she continued sliding her hands all over Tay. If the night could have ended her way, Nina would have remained a problem that Moe found an answer to. Or at least a situation that wasn't relevant at the moment.

"Fuck" thought Moe as she glanced at her phone. Four missed calls and a shit load of texts from Nina. Tay lay motionless on the couch as Moe sat up reading through her messages. She got up slowly to find her shoes, pants and shirt. Quietly, Moe got dressed and headed out the front door. It was a still night, warm with a light breeze. Moe walked over to her car and played the first voicemail from Nina. "Look, I know we both said some things that we didn't mean bu-" before the message could play, Moe skipped to the next. "So what the fuck Moe, I know you got my messages, and I think it's funny how yo-" Another voicemail skipped over. Moe sat in her car for a second before playing the last voicemail. She could hear the music from the block party and looked at the time; 1:20a, "shit". It's been three hours since she and Nina had their disagreement. Moe looked down at her phone, and listened to the final message "You know what Moe, call me when you're ready to talk. You're obviously not home because I had Marcus drive by your house and the lights were off and you weren't answering my knocking. So wherever you are, I hope it's worth it. Bye Moe ''. Moe put down her phone, and started her car. "Fuck this shit"

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