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ㄒ卄乇 ㄒㄖ爪卂几 ㄒ尺卂丨ㄒㄖ尺

ㄒ卄乇 ㄒㄖ爪卂几 ㄒ尺卂丨ㄒㄖ尺

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ㄒ卄乇 ㄒㄖ爪卂几 ㄒ尺卂丨ㄒㄖ尺

[The Missing Piece]

Takemichi stood at the very top of the stairs, Chifuyu a few feet behind him as they stared down at the second generation of Toman's members. A frown was settled onto his face, his eyes darting between each member, recalling how he had been content with the way things were going, but he still couldn't help the small voice in the back of his head, whispering that there was still something missing.

And he knew what the missing piece was.

They all did.

"Second generation Tokyo Manji Gang kickoff meeting will now commence!" Chifuyu announced, gaining the attention of those few members who had begun their own side conversations, eyes immediately shifting towards their leader.

"First and foremost..." Takemichi let out a heavy sigh, "I'd like to apologize to all of you, I'm sorry for getting you all involved. I lost to Mikey in the battle of the three deities, it got me down... But I'm standing here now." He took a step forward, raising his head high as he spoke, "I might not have the caliber of a gang leader, and Toman's captain will always be Mikey, but during the battle of the three deities, I realized that Mikey is not the same anymore... And I want to bring the old Mikey back, but I want to win against Mikey!" Takemichi's voice raised, seeing smiles grow on the faces of his friends, "Our goal is to defeat Kantou Manji Gang! I will win, no matter what, even if I'm defeated, I won't stop!" Takemichi slowly began to descend the stairs, stopping just in front of the small group, "So all of you... Let's take back what we have given up! This isn't my fight alone, it's 'our' revenge."

"Well said, president." Chifuyu said, hand landing on Takemichi's shoulder, having followed down the stairs at some point during Takemichi's speech.

"Yeah... I just.." Takemichi trailed off, the small smile on his face disappearing as he took a step forward, feet slowly carrying him between his friends, walking towards the exits. "I need to do something before the fight..." Takemichi didn't say anything more, and he didn't have to, because they all knew what he needed to do.

The only question lingering in their heads being, will he succeed?


Once again, Takemichi found himself at the residence of the unkept house, only this time, it seemed to be a bit more lively.

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