Chifuyu (ending)

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*All character endings have nothing to do with what happens in the original storyline, these are all 'what ifs' and 'what could have beens', but will also be taking place as if Y/N didn't attend the final fight.*

ㄒ卄乇 ㄒㄖ爪卂几 ㄒ尺卂丨ㄒㄖ尺

ㄒ卄乇 ㄒㄖ爪卂几 ㄒ尺卂丨ㄒㄖ尺

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ㄒ卄乇 ㄒㄖ爪卂几 ㄒ尺卂丨ㄒㄖ尺

[Beautiful Secrets]

Your eyes fluttered open, the beam of sunlight peeking in through your bedroom curtains danced across the room. Eyes squinting as you tried to adjust to the sudden change of lighting, hands feeling around the bed you laid on, only to meet the cool crumbled sheets you had been tossing and turning on all night long.

    A soft sigh fell past your lips as you let your eyes close once more, deciding that today would be the day you finally relax, take a break from your daily tasks you completed day to day. Lips curling up into a smile as you let yourself sink further into the cushy mattress you laid on, almost having the urge to ignore the quiet scratches coming from the other side of your bedroom door.


    You pushed yourself up off the bed, feet landing against the cold wooden floor as you shuddered from the chill that ran down the back of your spine. The scratching got a bit louder as the sound of your movement, hand pulling open the door your eyes immediately fell to the floor, eyes meeting the tiny fluff ball sitting in the hall. Tail swishing back and forth as she did multiple circles around your legs, coaxing you into going down the hall and filling up her food bowl which had just recently become empty after gorging herself on a large breakfast.

    "Hm?" You crouched down, fingers running down the top of her head towards her back, "Must've closed the door before... Did you sleep all by yourself, baby?" You cooed, her head nudging against the palm of your hand before turning around and trailing down the hall towards the kitchen. "Yep... Okay, to the kitchen I guess." You sighed, you could feel the joints in your knees crack as you stood back up, taking the first step out into the hall you felt the instant wave of coolness hit the flesh of your body, eyebrows furrowing in confusion on why it was so cold.

    The living room was dim, curtains pulled closed except for the one that blew in the wind coming in through the cracked window, bringing in the cold chill you had felt just a moment ago. The chirping of the birds nesting right outside the window instantly flowing in one ear and repeating over and over, just as they had done every morning.

    Instead of heading straight for the kitchen like your little furry friend wanted, you first went towards the window, pulling the curtains to the side as you stared down at the bird in their nest, obnoxiously squawking as its head tilted back and forth before finally meeting your eyes.

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