Thank you!

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I did want to talk about how I did have other endings that I was going to write, one of them being for Senju just for the hell of it, but without completely reworking the entire story and changing things to follow a different storyline, I felt that there wasn't much of a relationship to work on there. 

I also just want to thank those who have read this and enjoyed it, it really does mean a lot to have people reading something I created (no matter how bad it actually is) and knowing that some of you have enjoyed it really motivates me to keep creating new pieces. <3

Speaking of new pieces... I am currently in the works in planning another book following the lovely main character of Y/N as a Sano sibling. 

I don't have too much of it planned out as of right now, so far I only have the first 6-7 chapters, but here in a couple months I'm hoping to have it further along so I can start publishing some chapters. 

Just a quick description that I whipped up right now ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Being the second oldest Sano sibling, one would have thought that life couldn't be too bad, but after losing not only your parents but also your older brother, it seems to put a strain on your relationship between you and your younger siblings. Growing further apart each day, you can't help but look back at the times where you used to be happy, but now you're stuck watching everyone you've ever known slowly die one by one and your little brother stray further and further from who he used to be. 

Once again, thank you all!

See ya soon :)

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