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Vansh's pov :

2 days ago I landed in Pune. Angre was there to receive me. I directly went to attend the meeting. Since I landed here I am feeling something and I don't even know what am I feeling. I think like something is going to happen but I'm not sure if it'll be good or bad. I can just hope that whatever is going to happen should be good. I have seen many bad things in my life,I don't want it anymore.

Since landed I didn't had any time for myself but still managed to call my family. I don't want them to feel that they are not important to me. They are very important to me, They are my everything. I am sane because of them.

When I was in juvenile home, I had already lost my dad and was in very bad phase. I don't know how but my mom managed to release me. After coming back I became very distant from everyone  and was only close to my mom. I don't used to talk with anyone, not even mom. With time I opened up a bit.

I was unable to sleep. My mom everyday used to come in my bedroom and like a baby she used to sing songs and sometimes also used to tell me stories. I used to fake sleep so that she can also take rest. But keeping my head on her lap always used to calm and relax me. She teached me everything. She made me join college, she used to teach me. Because of her I am capable to aquire this empire. Because of her I am able to provide my family everything. They say behind every successful man there is a women. Not behind me but she is the reason, she is the one because of her I am capable enough to because successful.

But my mom's hand on my head didn't last long. As if god don't want me to be happy. Her health started to deteriorate. She was diagnosed with a rare kind of blood cancer. Even in her painful days she didn't show it on her face. She always used to smile. She thaught me everything till her last day. And then she left. I felt myself alone. I was on the verge of falling into depression but I remembered that After dadi I am the oldest of the family. I need to earn money to provide for my family. I want to give my sister's Ishani and Siya a better future. I wanted to treat them like princess. I don't want them to feel the absence of mom and dad. I wanted to fill the void of the absence of our parents. I was 20 at that time.

After her death, the company which my dad and mom created started to face loss. Shares prices also started to fall. Company was on the verge of bankruptcy. I had only 2 options either to sell the company or to keep all the share and sell everything. I sell everything besides our house. We didn't wanted to sell our house, it had all our beautiful memories. After selling everything I repaid all the debts which were on our company. With remaining money, I invested it in our company and with two other people started company again. And with time it started to grow. Now more than 2000 employees work under me from around the world. Now I am the most successful business tycoon of India.

Remembering the past, I know how much struggle I have done to achieve all this. I won't forgot all of my struggles.

I closed my eyes for few minutes and rest my head on the chair.

Taking a rest for few minutes, I again got invested in my work.

Riddhima's pov:

Today afternoon Kabir and Me landed in Mumbai, India,bua will be coming next week with uncle. My dad and my little brother "vihan" came to airport to receive us.

I live in Pune, earlier we used to live in Delhi. I don't remember any of it. We had a joint family until my father decided to move to Pune. My father is the youngest child. He has 2 siblings, older one is my bade papa. He have 2 children both are boys. And middle one is bua. I am the only girl in this family after bua, so I'm the favourite one.

When we reached my home. I first took a long hot shower. It relieved all the stress and strain of the travelling. We ate dinner . Mom prepared both of ours favourite food. The food was delicious. After that my brother insisted me to give him the things which I brought for him. I gave gifts to Mom dad and my little brother. He was soo happy. Kabir was tired as hell so he went to take a nap. I also thought to sleep. But when I fall on my bed, sleep was nowhere near me.

I just lay there for few minutes. I got up and started arranging my clothes in the closet. After that I went in the kitchen and made hot chocolate for myself. Before going to kitchen I checked on Kabir, he was sleeping peacefully. I came back to my room, sat on my bed. While surfing internet, I drank my milk.

I heard a knock on my door, I said "come in". I saw my little brother Vihan. He hesitantly came inside, holding something behind his back. He sat infront of me. "Yes vihu" I said. Vihu is the nickname which I have given him since he was a child. "Dii, I don't know if you will like it or not" he started saying and he handed me the bag which he was hiding behind his back. "I have also brought you a gift and I brought this with my own money, I mean with my saved up money." He said. I instantly hugged him. I was happy and emotional. I gave a peck on his cheek. I parted to see what is inside it. Inside was a beautiful Indian dress, since going to New York I rarely wear Indian dress. "I love it, you have a good fashion sense." I appreciate him. Dress was really beautiful. I am very attached to my brother. He is the only one who is in my regular contact. I ruffled his hairs loving and said "I didn't know my little brother is growing up so fast." He had a small proud smile on his face. We talked for couple of minutes then he left.

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Till then Happy Reading......


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