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Vansh's pov :

I was speechless, Why does she want to go away from me. I know I have brought her here forcefully, I even don't know  why I have taken her with me. But that doesn't mean that I'll let her go away from me. I want to know why am I feeling this way. I don't know what are these feelings. I want her time to know about it. I wanna know about her favorite things, what she loves? what she like? What are her hobbies? Everything... I wanna know everything.

If I didn't brought her here then everyone in her family would have sent her out of India and out of my life. I didn't wanted it so I bring her here. I want her to spend time with me. And after few day when I'll feel content then I'll send her away.

"NO" I said and looked at my file. "No, what No" She asked. I answered "No, means I'm not letting you go." "I told you na that I won't tell anyone about that day. Then why are you not letting me go. Why?" She started crying. I felt bad for her but I won't let her go. I said " Look, I will release you once the case will get dismiss in the court. I clearly don't trust you and your family members. Once I release you and you leave India and then one of your family members can become witness. And He or She can testify against me then My name, My business, My company's Shares will all fall down. My name in the testimony can tarnish my and my company's name. And I can't let it happen. So keeping you with me is the easiest solution right now. So Nooo is My final answer. I don't want you to ask me again and again. It will piss me off."

"How long will you keep me here. If the case will take 10 year to dismiss then what?" She asked "Then, you will stay with me for 10 years simple..." I answered. "Are you out of your mind. I can't stay with you. I don't even know anything about you not even your name. How can I stay with a stranger for soo long. I can't stay. This is not the solution. You need to think about other solution please." She said crying hysterically.

I felt very bad seeing her. I wanted to console her. Her tears were piercing my heart. I said keeping calm " Miss Riddhima,  I'll think about other solution but not right now. I am already preoccupied for few months. So I don't have time to think about that. After few months I'll definitely think of something till then you are stuck with me."

Then She ran away crying hysterically. I sat there folding my hand.

Next day...

I got ready and went to have breakfast. She was not present at the table. I looked at the maid, she immediately knew what was I was going to ask so she immediately said that "Ma'am is not feeling well. She already had her breakfast. Taking her medicine she slept." I nodded and left after finishing my breakfast.

I couldn't focus on anything. Even being so close to me, I haven't seen her face today which made me little bit sad.Why can't I concentrate? My thoughts are going back to her again and again. Fucckk I mentally cursed myself. Its been more than few hours and I haven't even completed a single file. The hell I didn't even opened it. It was around 5, I just couldn't finish my work so I went back.

When I reached at my farmhouse, I had a quick shower. I went downstairs. I asked the maid "Is she feeling better now?" She panicked little bit I can see it on her face.

"After you left when I went to check upon her. She wasn't asleep yet. She told me she is really not feeling well. Then I told her that I need to inform you 'sir' but she denied and told me that If she sleeps then she will feel better. And also told me that she will be skipping lunch as she has eaten too much in the morning. And she also told me not to disturb her while she is sleeping. Since then She haven't opened her door." Maid said.

I closed my eyes in anger. Why didn't she inform me about this. I have already told that maid to tell me if she needs anything or if she doesn't feel well. I hope She hasn't done anything bad to herself. I rub my fingers on my temples. I went upstairs to check up on her.

When I turned the doorknob, it was unlocked, and I saw her figure sleeping. Relief washed over me at the sight of her peacefully resting. I decided to check her forehead for any signs of fever. As I approached her, I immediately sensed that something was terribly wrong. Since morning, I had a feeling that something bad was going to happen, but I didn't pay much attention to my gut instinct. Without wasting any time, I abruptly removed the duvet from her, only to find pillows in her place. Anger doesn't begin to describe what I felt; I was seething with rage when I realized she had run away.

I called all the bodyguards and servants, questioning each of them about her whereabouts, but nobody had seen her, which seemed odd. I decided to check the CCTV footage. My anger surged tenfold when I witnessed her fleeing through the back door, escaping from me. Determination flooded through me—I would find her, and I wouldn't rest until I did. She had dared to challenge me, but she had made a grave mistake. Tsk tsk, wrong move, SWEETHEART."

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Till then Happy Reading......


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