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Riddhima's pov :

Last night when I went to talk to him. He killed all my hope and told me that he won't be releasing me. Hearing I couldn't control myself, I ran from there to the room in which I'm currently staying.

I cried and cried and cried. After I calmed down, I thought to myself I can't stay here anymore. I need to do something. If I am thrown in water then I am the only one who is supposed to move his hands and legs to survive. I need to do something. I need to get away from him. I knew what was I supposed to do.

Next day after having breakfast, I lay down on the bed. After he left for the office. I manipulated the maid and told her not to disturb me. This is my first and last chance and I don't want to waste it. This is a do or die situation.

I put pillows on my place and covered it with the duvet. I wore a plain T-shirt, joggers and sport shoes. I need to be prepared for the worst. I also put on a hoodie cover my head zipping all the way up.

Yesterday When I saw the whole house. I noticed that in front gate, security was tight. No way I am going through front gate. There was also a back gate for the servant's for going out or to bring stuff so I'm going to use that gate.

And to my surprise there was just a single watchman on the duty today. I mentally started dancing in my head. Shh don't celebrate too early, I scolded myself.

I was waiting for him to leave. After a lot of time he left. I took the chance and hiding from everyone I sprinted towards the gate and left.

I am running from more than half an hour now. His mansion is in a secluded area. There was nothing nearby only forest surrounding it. I was bit scared cause I couldn't see anyone. I was sweating, panting, my throat has dried up but I didn't stop.

I suddenly got happy seeing a small cafe. I quickly went there. I wanted to contact anyone from my family immediately so they can take me away with them.

I saw an elderly uncle who was with his wife. I went towards them. "Uncle and Auntie, I am actually lost from my friends and I don't have my mobile phone with me. Can I please make a call from your phone? Just one call please...."

They smiled and handed me their phone. I moved two steps away from them and dialled Kabir's number. I have only memorised his number. It was ringing and ringing but he didn't picked up. I again called him. He disconnected the call. I was on the verge to cry. I again called with hope. And finally on the third ring he picked up. I took a breadth of relief. "Hello!" I heard his voice and started crying "Kabirr...." When he heard me he immediately asked me "Hey Riddhima, how are you? Where are you? Are you okay? Is he troubling you?"
I didn't let him finish cause I don't have time to answer all his question. I immediately burted  out "I ran away..." "Whattt" I heard from the other side" "Where are you?" He questioned me. I looked around and immediately answered "I don't know where I am" I sobbed. "From whose phone you have contacted me.." he questioned me "I saw him near the cafe.." he didn't let me finish and immediately said " Hey I am coming to pick you up okay, Relax and don't cry. I will come shortly. If possible hide somewhere, I'm on my way.I want to talk to him, give him the phone" I handed uncle his phone with teary eyes. They talked for few seconds. After the call was disconnected I went to hide myself behind one of the tree.

After more than an hour I saw a familiar car. It parked near the cafe. I saw Kabir getting out of it. I immediately ran towards him. I hugged him. When we parted away. Without wasting a single second We immediately sat inside the car and drove away.

All the ride I didn't talk and he didn't ask anything. I was fidgeting my fingers and was restless, I don't want him to find out soon that I ran away. Our car halted, I looked up. We were at the International Airport. I looked at him and immediately followed him outside. He went Inside. He was at the Ticket counter. I was just looking around being cautious.

He came back and said "We will be leaving in an hour" I nodded. Still one hour is remaining. I don't want him to find out. I asked him "Where are we going? and what about my documents?" He showed me both of our documents and said "We are going to dubai first, from there we will go to our home." He answered. I nodded with tears in my eyes.

Whole one hour, I was restless and tensed. Finally when I sat in the plane. I took a breath of relief.

I was distracted the whole time, Finally I heard the airhostess say " Fastened your seatbelt, we are ready to take off" Now I was happy and relieved. Within 5 mins I was in the sky,looking at the clouds. Finally I am free.

If you like my work then do vote and comment. It'll motivate me to write.

Till then Happy Reading......


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