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Hades forgot when it was that he started to lose.

Was it when Viis confronted him?


Maybe when he saw Atlas after so many years?

No no.

Was it when Nine saved Atlas?


Ah, it was when Vesta died-



He remembered now.

It was that cold winter day.

The day Vesta told him she was to marry his dearest friend.

He still remembered the light blush on her cheeks, and the soft smile planted on her thin lips.

He lost.

That's where it started.

That's when he started to become a hunter.

He hunted Orion for so long.

His target spared him with his last breath.

Hades paid no mind to it.

His next target was clear.


This one was not to kill.

But to spare.

Spare so long of suffering.

Or so he believed he was doing.

Hades was only realizing this now.

He was a spitting image of a Greyhound.

Breed for hunting.

Hades looked in mirror as he touched his cheek. Grey hairs streaked through his dirty brown hair like waterfalls. He really was getting quite old. He knew this. He signed lightly as he saw a purple-haired girl staring at him.

'Ah, Annie. What is it you need?'

'You asked for an update on how the originals are doing, did you not?'

Hades bit his lip as he looked back down to the floor. Annie's cold gaze did not leave him.

'Yes, yes I did.'

'Are you feeling well sir?'

He was feeling anything but well. He had lost his will to smile, and for once he wished he hadn't he shot the girl a cold gaze, as he stood up straight.

'Don't worry about things that don't matter.'

Hades voice had become rougher after so many years of hunting. He could've easily been mistaken for a war veteran with his now torn up and beaten voice.

'You seem off sir. I will come back later.'

With that, Annie disappeared out the door. Hades watched the younger leave.

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