I. The Newest Minotaur Slayer.

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Chapter One: The Newest Minotaur Slayer.
My head was warm, my skin was soaked; I
called your name 'till the fever broke !

Everything hurt, that much he knew.

However, everything felt like a dream. None of it seemed real. One minute he was enjoying a cabin by the lake with his mother and the next he was fighting an enlarged bull. Truly a nightmare, at least that's what he hoped it was. If it was real, he was in for a major reality check that he wasn't ready for because he knew that it would turn his whole world around. He had seen his Pre-Algebra teacher grow wings and try to kill him, three old ladies cut some string, his best friend was half goat. How much worse could any of it become? He probably shouldn't have thought that, he jinxed it, didn't he?

You all already know how this story starts. You've been given information about demigods, he hasn't. You must understand his reaction, how he so desperately wanted to reject this new world that he has been thrown into. For the godly world was not ready for Perseus Jackson.

               The last thing he remembered was collapsing on a wooden porch, looking up at a ceiling fan as it circled above his form, moths flying around a yellow light, and the stern faces of a familiar-looking bearded man and two pretty girls: One with blonde hair and silky beach waves, the other a brunette with ringlet, princess curls. The three of them looking down at him, the girl with gray eyes spoke. "He's the one, he must be."

               The girl with beautiful blue eyes only looked down at him, confusion swirling in her irises. He thought it was because he was a stranger, but he was wrong. She was confused as to why she felt warm in the presence of this random boy and her best friend, as if part of her had become whole. "Silence, Annabeth." The man commanded. "He's still conscious, bring him inside."

The next thing he knew, he was lying on a soft cot, being spoon-fed something that tasted like buttered popcorn, only it was thick pudding. His eyes fluttered open, but his normally alert senses were still hazy. He was still out of commission, seeing as his eyelids were feeling heavy and his breathing was sluggish. He felt warmth creep up his chest when he saw the pretty, blue-eyed blonde looking down at him with concern, scooping up some of the "pudding" that dripped down his chin.

However, when the gray-eyed brunette saw his eyes open, she immediately jumped in to question him. "What will happen at the winter solstice?" She demanded, practically pushing the other blonde out of the way.

               "¿Que? What?" He managed to croak out.

               "Annabeth," the pretty blue-eyed one hissed at the brunette, reprimanding her harshly. There was a small twinge of accent in her words, she didn't sound all that American. He couldn't help but quietly wonder where she was from.

               Annabeth ignored the warning and continued to press. She looked around, over her shoulder, as if afraid someone would walk in and overhear. "What's going on? What's been stolen? We've only got a few weeks!"

               "I'm sorry," he mumbled out, eyes going heavy all over again. "I don't ..."

               The blonde gently moved Annabeth away hurriedly when someone knocked on the door, contrasting the roughness that was used against her the first time around. "Enough." She stated firmly, pushing another spoonful of pudding in his mouth as he fell unconscious again.

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