Coming out with a plan

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"Yuna? What are you doing here?"

Sangwoo asked, he already recognized the voice but he wanted to make sure he wasn't imagining things because of his tiredness.

"Oh, Sangwoo! We're studying for an upcoming exam! What about you?"

"I was working on a project... Do you have time for me right now?"

Sangwoo asked quite bluntly. He wasn't stupid, he had guessed they were on a date but he needed to talk to Yuna about something that went through his mind around 6 A.M last night or rather this morning.

"Yes, of course, hum..."

She looked to the girl across from her apologetically and the girl quickly smiled.

"No worries, I have to go get a book and I'll also get a coffee while I'm at it, text me when I can come back!"

She got up and waved them goodbye as she walked off towards a bookshelf at the other side of the library.

"So, what did you want to talk about?"

Yuna plopped down on one elbow, her chin resting in the palm of her hand.

"Well, I know we already talked about his exes..."

"So Jaeyoung..."

Yuna said as a matter of fact.

"Yes, you said he broke up with them because he got bored, what do you mean?"


Yuna seemed to be thinking, scratching her chin lightly.

"You see, most of the time, they were the one who asked him out and he just accepted, thinking maybe it could be fun but they were always very different and Jaeyoung would just be bored of them so he would break up..."


Sangwoo cut her off.

"Well, he would spend less time with them, to indicate that he doesn't wanna be with them, then he'll break up if they don't do it before."

"And it's just because they are different or are there any other reason?"

Sangwoo seemed genuinely interested and it scared Yuna a little bit.

"Sangchoo, has Jaeyoung did anything to you? Do you wanna break up with him? You know I'll beat his ass if he does anything, right?"

She asked, trying to reassure the young boy in front of her. Sangwoo seemed stress, tensed, well, more than usual. And Yuna was scared something had happened between him and her best friend.

"No, no! It's okay, I'm just asking!"

Sangwoo said quickly, doing his best to sound unbothered, trying to make her believe his words, which she didn't, obviously.


She said brushing it off. It wasn't the first time Sangwoo was acting strange.

"I remember that once he broke up with a girl because she wasn't getting along with us..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, she didn't like us and would always try to spend all her time with Jaeyoung so that he wouldn't spend time with us and it got on Jaeyoung's nerves because he couldn't spend time with his friends as much as he wanted and he had to take care of her all the time, it was legit annoying!"

She said rolling her eyes. Sangwoo nodded, taking a mental note of that. That would be added to his "things to worry about" list for later.

"Okay, I'll be leaving now, thanks for your time. Oh, and don't tell Jaeyoung I saw you nor that we talked together, okay?"

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