Party goes wrong

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Please read this! 

⚠️Trigger warning: mention of non-consensual touching! It is not very graphic and quite short but I'll still put a summary at the end of the chapter for those who prefer to skip it <3 

Jaeyoung was back to normal. He had been smothering Sangwoo for the whole day and the younger wasn't against it. He had followed him everywhere, asking why Sangwoo was suddenly willing to meet his friends but Sangwoo refused to talk about it, he would just kiss the older out of nowhere and it would make Jaeyoung shut up immediately.

In the evening, Sangwoo had even tried to choose a good outfit but settled on a simple hoodie and a jean, as always. He wore his cap and decided not to take his backpack as it would seem strange, even if wearing his backpack seemed to bring him peace and comfort. He decided to go against it because he wanted Jaeyoung's friends to like him.

Around seven P.M, Jaeyoung knocked at the door and Sangwoo followed him to a small bar, hidden in an alley. On the way, Jaeyoung had insisted on holding Sangwoo's hand and had asked him once again why the younger suddenly decided to meet up with his friends. Sangwoo refused to answer and settled on saying that "he felt like it", but Jaeyoung knew better than to believe him. He also noticed how Sangwoo wasn't wearing his backpack, that's why he proposed to hold his hand, to bring him some comfort of some sort.

When they arrived, Sangwoo recognized the place as the one in Jaeyoung's pictures and realized that the decoration was even better in real life. They settled in a booth, waiting for Jaeyoung's friends to arrive. Sangwoo refused a beer saying that he didn't feel like drinking that night and preferred to drink a glass of water.


Jaeyoung ad answered, playfully rolling his eyes while Sangwoo elbowed him in the arm.

Sangwoo felt stressed. He had never been in this situation before, never felt like he had to please people. He was absolutely against it and would have never thought he would end up like this. But once again, he never thought he would end up with Jaeyoung anyways. He was slightly shaking and Jaeyoung noticed, growing even more worried.

"Are you sure you're okay? You don't have to force yourself to be there you know?"

And Sangwoo absentmindedly hummed but he had to. He had to force himself, for Jaeyoung to like him, to stay like they are right now. Because honestly, he was scared to go back to his lonely life that seemed grey to him now. He was scared of losing Jaeyoung, scared to be hated by his hyung, even if it was something that had seemed botherless to him months before.


He heard shouting and looked to the side. A bunch of young adults or old teenagers entered and Sangwoo felt even more out of place. They were all handsome and cool and looked fresh, unbothered, nice and fun, and Sangwoo was just...himself...

Jaeyoung got up and handshaked each one of his friends, already laughing with them and smiling, and one of the boys noticed Sangwoo.

"Who's that cutie? Is he your younger brother?"

The man asked wrapping his arm around Sangwoo's shoulders and Sangwoo shuddered. He couldn't go on with his plan, it was impossible.

"The fuck man? No! He's my boyfriend!"

Jaeyoung answered peeling the man's arm off of Sangwoo's shoulders and replacing it with his own.

"Oh my god! You're THE Cho Sangwoo?"

Another man screamed, pushing everyone to get a closer look. Sangwoo tightened his fist and only nodded his head. He hated this. He hated being the center of attention, even more when he couldn't be himself. He hated being there, forced to socialize.

Overthinking leads to a partyWhere stories live. Discover now