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"Love grows where my rosemary goes, and no body knows like me."

Bruce and I were in his garden playing as we were little kids, it wasn't long after Bruce's 8th birthday as I attended the party.

"What are you going to be when your older, Y/N?"

I continue making a bracelet out of the small flowers in the patch of grass we were sat in, they were mostly weeds so I felt as if it was okay to pick at them.

"Maybe a superhero, mom and dad are always talking about crime and other bad stuff so I'll fight it!" I beamed.

Bruce smiled and nodded.

"My parents are the same, maybe we should work together?"

My eyes lit up and I nodded happily with a bright smile on my face causing the smile to spread to Bruce, I pass him the flower bracelet.

"We'll fix Gotham together, Bruce!" I smiled.

Bruce nodded and smiled.



My parents were murdered the same day, in broad daylight.

Someone rushed over and pushed me away from gunfire as others started shouting something and I heard sirens meaning it was the police, I sit up to see Jim Gordan stood in front of me with a gun pointed at the man.

The man lowered his weapon but made a run for it and most of the cops followed but Jim stayed with me, he talked to me and tried to keep me calm despite all the cameras in my face.

I was used to cameras and the flashes but the shock of my parents death is what made me shiver, my body didn't feel like my own as tears fell down my face.

After a long and lengthy progress, I was put into an orphanage and Bruce visited me often or I would stay at his but I was mostly silent.

I never spoke to anyone and didn't eat food in front of anyone, Alfred would give me food alone and watch through a crack in the door of me eating the food like it was the first meal I had in a long time.

Bruce would try to talk to me or get me to play with him outside or go to the theatre but I always shook my head, I often spent my time in their library to see if they had any good books or updates on my parents murder case.

The evidence never lined up as it depended on who was on duty whi h pointed to corruption, it frustrated me and caused me to cry in the corner as Alfred offered me comfort.

At the orphanage, I befriended a boy named Edward but I gave him the nickname of Riddler due to his love of riddles.


Batman is a thing now but I wasn't far from coming up with my own costume for crime fighting, I had been training in combat as soon as I got out of that hellhole called an orphanage.

My music was on as I typed lines of code and sipped coffee due to this being my 2nd all-nighter, I doubted I could hold up much longer.

I finish my coding and plug it into the mask of my costume, I made sure to bullet proof it and add padding to minimise damage from fighting.

I placed the mask on my head and took a deep breath, I was on the verge of collapsing.

"My name is Ghost." I spoke.

The re-verb was almost perfect, it had the distortion of it sounding as if I was speaking through a radio or ghost box whilst having the re-tune making my natural pitch unrecognisable.

I take my mask off and place it on my desk and pressed a few buttons for it to be hidden like the rest of the suit then walked to bed, exhaustion hit me so hard that as soon as I sat on the bed I fell asleep.

I wake up and do my morning routine and attend my photo shoots, meetings and other social events as planned but have noticed that Bruce never came to them not long before the whole Batman thing happened, it worried me slightly but I had no method of contact.

"You used to be close to the Wayne family, have you heard anything?"

Y/N seemed out of it and seemed exhausted, they were always on interviews and attending social events and it made me think they had a clone of themselves to get half of this done sometimes.

We haven't talked since my parents murder and it was something I missed, I missed them especially when their parents were murdered top and it took part of them away.

We were kids, we didn't deserve to witness our parents death so young.

Y/N answers truthfully with the fact that they no longer speak to me or Alfred but don't know how to reach us, it was understandable why they didn't know how since I cut ties either my personal life to keep my focus on the Gotham Project.

It was part of our promise, to fix Gotham.

I returned home from the last event and threw myself on my bed and set and alarm, my new costume or suit needed to be taken for a spin and so did the motorbike I got for it.

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