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"I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin."

The now infamous duo stood staring at me in shock as my body trembled and my breathing hitched between my sobs, you could see pity in Batman's eyes but also recognition.

"Everything tells me to run away from him but I have no choice, it's him or nothing.." I sob.

Batman takes a step towards me which makes me jump slightly and hit something, there was a click that echoed in this damp, empty room.

You could hear a whirring causing me to quickly turn to see that a projector was there, it caused me to quickly turn my head again to see the video on the wall.

"Did he help you out of that orphanage or even bother to visit once?" Riddler questioned.

"No but-" My voice speaks up.

You couldn't see Riddler in the frame, it was just me in a horrible state that I never noticed.

"He doesn't care Y/N! You only have me. Everyone else is dead or doesn't care." Riddler spat.

I couldn't watch anymore of this and ran out of the room despite struggling to breathe due to my sobs, I was choking on tears at this point.

The orphanage was quite and peaceful despite the terrible hallucinations that happened, I assumed it was my mind playing tricks on me or some form of PTSD.

A hand grabbed my arm and I slowly turned to look at it as I was half-asleep, there was Bruce's face as a kid.

"Y/N, you promised." He spoke, hid eyes were watering.

This pulled at every string attached to my heart as I had a crush on Bruce when we were kids, it was stupid but maybe that's why I see so much of him in other people.

Though it just made me pity the hallucination of the younger Bruce, I turned to look at him as other hands reached out for me whilst screaming and begging for revenge and to be seen.

"You can't let your emotions break your promise, you have to do what you must." Bruce said in a confident manner.

It was clear it was a fake confidence that I knew too well when we were kids but it was something I taught him, I told him that fake confidence was better than to cower as it made you look more brave.

But that's childish thinking.

"Bruce, I cant-" I manage to spit out.

I must admit, I was in shock from seeing this young version of Bruce.

"You promised." He reminded me.

Just then, Gordon kicks the door and young Bruce disappears.

The hands reached towards my lower leg and begged for me to tell their story and seek revenge, they begged between sobs and screamed in a demanding way which clouded my thinking.

Gordon went to speak but his voice was blocked out by the hallucinations noise, we locked eyes as he slowly lowered his gun and stepped towards me.

"You can't leave us here!"
"Please, you have to tell them!"
"The Wayne's did this."
"Why us?"
"He's part of it too!"

Gordon reached out his hand to put on his shoulder but I quickly grabbed it and slammed him into the wall, my breathing was heavy and unstable which was almost as dangerous as my hallucinations.

Gordon was confused, scared and worried as his eyes widened and my grip only tightened until I heard a engine rev, I let go suddenly and come back to reality as Gordon hits the floor and I look at my shaking hands.

What was happening to me?

What Bruce said, it sunk in and made me think that was okay.

Was it okay?

"Hey! Hey!" Gordon shouts, shaking me.

I snapped out of my thoughts to realise he was staring at my eyes that were previously vacant, he seemed relieved that I was back to my senses again.

"You've been through a lot, I'm sorry." Gordon sighs.

Did he... blame himself?

I tilted my head slightly in confusion and gave him a confused look ad he let go of me, Gordon took a deep breath and sighed before looking at me again.

"Let's get you home, maybe we should call Bruce." He offered.

Would Bruce even want to talk to me?

I slowly nodded my head and smiled before walking with Gordon to the police car, I sat in the back and soon fell asleep on the way to the station.

Waking up was horrible as all my injuries that I had been ignoring suddenly came at once, I was in a bright room and sat up to realise I was in a hospital and my body was covered in bruises and it looked like I hadn't had a shower in days.

I was confused, what had happened?

The hands were still reaching out towards me until I saw one reach out for me but pull itself up, it was younger Bruce again.

"This isn't what I meant, you need to go back to the green man." Bruce spoke in a demanding voice.

He often only spoke like this as a kid if I had managed to mess something up but he wouldn't be in this mood for long, it was rare to see him like it.

"What-" my voice was coarse.

It made me realise how I never looked after myself whilst living with Riddler, he would always have me doing something and I would often pass out from exhaustion.

"You need to leave Y/N. Now." He demanded again.

My eyes widened in shock as I never saw Bruce act like this as a kid and shook my head and covered my ears eith my hands

I can't go back.

Living there was hell, I was being used plain and simple.

"Listen to me Y/N! You need to go! Now!" He screamed.

I shook my head as tears started to form in my eyes and I started to shake slightly, it was clear I was about to have a panic attack as I started repeatly muttering "no."

A hand suddenly reached out for me and grabbed my arm causing me to jump and turn to look at them, to my surprise it was..


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