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"When everything's made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am."

I didn't believe that it was actually him after everything Riddler told me, he told me he hated me since his parents death since we never saw each other and how he most likely blamed me for it.

Why was he here?

"No this isn't real, he said- you-" I stammered.

Bruce seemed surprised by my reaction but gave me a weak smile before slowly letting go of me, I reached my hand out and placed it on his cheek so my thumb was under his eye.

He was really here, this wasn't a hallucination.

"Your.. Real.." I shakingly speak.

Bruce let out a amused sigh and smiled slightly more, it was clear he was happy to see me which only confused me further.

Why was be happy, I thought he hated me?

Bruce took my hand and held it but it wasn't too tight or too loose of a grip, he turned to look a machine and his smile grew more.

"You have no idea how worried I've been for you throughout this, the first time had me so worried that I wanted to run to you and I regret not doing that." He smiled.

I don't know how or why but a smile grew on my face as tears started rolling down my face, I had forgotten how much I had gone through this week with all the death and trauma that was affecting me physically.

Bruce gripped my hand slightly tighter and I pulled myself closer to him and hugged him, he seemed shocked at first as his body stiffened but it soon eased.

"I missed you Bruce, beyond words." I sobbed.

"I missed you too, Y/N. Beyond words." He replied.

I was so happy to be with him again and he warmed my heart, everything that's happened to me during Riddlers peak had hit me all at once.

How I completely broke down in front of him and how he tried to use that to use me, it was clear from his videos and livestreams that he was trying to use me as Ghost to be a weapon.

"Bruce, I don't want you to leave me ever again." I suddenly speak in the silence.

Bruce let go of the hug and smiled at me whilst holding both my hands in one of his, he looked as if he hadn't slept for days and had been dragged through hell and back.

"I don't want you to leave me ever again either, Y/N." He agreed.

I smiled and he returned the smile, it was just like old times.

Bruce stayed for a little longer and told me that Gordon took me to the station to find I was asleep so the medics took me here, apparently Gordon planned to visit me due to how we bonded slightly throughout this case.

I was a key part of this case and I had worked with Riddler for a while so it only made sense, Bruce stayed a little longer after this and we played games until he had to leave.

Now, I was alone as I was in my own room due to safety and request by GCPD.

Again, it makes sense due to my involvement in the Riddler case.

My hallucinations were getting worse now that Bruce had left but I trued to ignore them and sleep as it was getting late, I took deep breaths and tried to calm myself.

A hand reached to me and a younger Ed was there which took me aback for a moment, he scribbled something then looked at me.

"What happened to you Y/N, you said you would fix Gotham. You told me about that promise." Young Ed spoke.


I sat up and looked at the kid, there was a camera in the room watching me and I saw it in the corner but I didn't care at this moment.

"What do you mean?" I ask, tilting my head in confusion.

Ed smiled and walked out the door whilst gesturing for me to follow, I stood and went to walk but there was a tug and I saw the wires connected to the machines.

I took a deep breath before pulling the needles out and quickly following after the younger version of Ed, he twisted through the halls and people gave me weird looks as I passed.

Ed took a sharp turn and I stopped to call for him but noticed something in the corner of my eye, I turn to look and saw Alfred who was staring at me with confusion and sympathy.

"Y/N, hurry!"

I wave to Alfred with a smile before walking away and he watched as I did, he didn't yell or shout after me but shook his head as his eyes widened.

It made me stop dead in my tracks and let Alfred's expression sink in and snap me back to reality, there was no more younger Ed leading me around the hospital but now just an empty, silent corridor.

I turned look at Alfred again to see he was smiling now as if he was happy, he must if known I was out of it.

A nurse comes out of nowhere and sees me and lets out a frustrated sigh, she walked to me then stood in front of my view of Alfred.

"You are a patient Y/N, strict orders not to leave your room too."

I nodded my head to the nurse and she stepped out of my view of Alfred and I waved to him, he smiled and waved back before I turned away and walked away.

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