Chapter 44

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It was night in Ithilien and the air was cool inside Henneth Annun. Faramir sat alone at the makeshift table that his maps and documents were spread out on. All were asleep in the caves save the few men that were on guard outside, and the two Rangers that watched the cave where the hobbits slept.

Silent as the night, one of his green-clad men strode into the room. He bowed slightly, then stepped up next to Faramir. "Captain Faramir. We found it."

Faramir sat straight, gripping the table. Then he forced himself to stand, even after the exhausting day, and led the way deeper into the caves where the hobbits were kept under guard.

The entrance to the cave was small and Faramir, a tall man, had to duck to get in. He left the scout that had reported to him outside as well as the two guards as it was rather a small cave.

The two hobbits - Frodo and Samwise had been there names - were sleeping beside each other in the corner farthest from the entrance. As Faramir stopped before them, Frodo stirred and opened his eyes. "You must come with me," Faramir said sternly. "Now."

Frodo roused his companion and Faramir escorted them both outside. Another small group of guards joined them after they left Henneth Annun, taking a path through the rocks and boulders. Eventually, the scout, who had led them there, drew to a halt. They were in the pool that gathered below the waterfall that covered the entrance to their cave.

Faramir waited until Frodo and Sam - who had been led there - were stopped beside him. Then he pointed down into the pool, where a pale figure leapt and dived into the water. "There."

Faramir watched as Frodo looked down into the pool. The hobbit looked like he recognized the creature there. "To enter the Forbidden Pool bears the penalty of death." Though his head was turned towards Frodo, Faramir's eyes flicked about the perimeter of the Pool where archers were stationed. They stepped out of the bushes, arrows nocked. "They wait for my command. Shall they shoot?"

No response from Frodo. He seemed entranced by the creature in the pool below, who seemed to be crooning some song as he slapped a fish against bare rock.

Faramir raised his hand to give the order to shoot, his hand pale in the moonlight against his dark leathers. Bows were bent in the darkness all about them.

"Wait," Frodo said suddenly. "Wait. This creature is bound to me, and I to him. He is our guide. Please, let me go down to him."

Faramir nodded, lowering his hand. Bows were lowered with it and rangers stepped back into the shadows. The guard holding Frodo released him to allow him to go down into the pool.

Faramir stepped forward and knelt into the dirt as Frodo descended and approached the creature. "Sméagol," he heard the hobbit whisper to the creature, approaching closer and closer. So that was its name. Sméagol. "Master is here. Come, Sméagol. Trust master. Come."

The pale creature paused in its eating of the fish and looked up at Frodo. Faramir noted that it had disgustingly large eyes and a few greasy strands of hair. "We must - go now?" asked Sméagol in a horribly hoarse voice.

"Sméagol, you must trust master," Frodo continued, though it was noticeable that he was feigning calmness. He lured the creature out of the pool with kind, soothing words and Sméagol followed him on all fours, the fish in his mouth.

As soon as they had come above the rim, Faramir signalled his men to take the creature. They grabbed it and it struggled, flailing all about and dropping its fish in the process, but they held fast to its slimy skin.

"Don't hurt him!" Frodo protested. "Sméagol, don't struggle! Listen to me!"

"Master!" the creature wailed, and then its screams were muffled as a hood was placed over its head.

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