Chapter 8

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Someone who means a lot to you has the power to either make you or crush you. Sometimes it is not intentional, just fate having a little game time for itself. The person caring is at the most vulnerable position when wanting to help but knowing they can't do anything.

That's where Louis stood.

Anne being a mother was praying for her son to get better, tears occasionally slipping. Louis just sat two seats away from her, face emotionless.

His heart was exhausted and his eyes had dried themselves from tears. He didn't know what was going on. He felt so clueless and so powerless. He wanted to do something to help his boy, anything, but he knew he couldn't do anything. It was all in the hands of the doctors now.

Louis rested the back of his head on the wall behind him and sighed deeply, getting Anne to slowly turn her face to view him. He didn't notice though, he was too busy being hypnotise by the blank wall ahead of him to notice his surroundings. His mind was only thinking about one person. That one person who was not were he was suppose to be. He was suppose to be with Louis, not in an operation theater.

Anne noticed how blank Louis' eye looked. She noticed how lifeless his face looked. Of course, she knew that her son meant a lot to Louis but never did she know that the feelings were this deep. She never would've thought that someone, who was not her, would care about her son so much to be in such pain when her son was going through what he's going through.

Anne didn't bother Louis. She knew it was hard for him too. She could now clearly see how much Louis cared for the boy.

Harry had been in the surgery theater for about three hours now with no one telling Anne or Louis how it was going, which added their nerves. Surgery was the only way Harry's larynx could get fixed and Anne (and Louis) didn't have to think twice before giving the doctors the all-clear for it. Anne signed some papers giving permission for it. She held the pen with a trembling hand but it was expected.

They feared something during the surgery going wrong and them losing Harry forever. Anne would lose her only child and Louis would lose his (possibly) love of his life. He knew it was too early to think about something like the fact but he couldn't help but imagine their future together. He didn't want Harry to leave. Neither wanted that of course. So they were set to pray.

The doctors had mentioned that Harry's breathing problem would not go away if the surgery wasn't done immediately and the plus side given to them was Harry might possibly start talking for the first time in his life. If it all works out (which both were hoping with whole of their hearts that it would) they could not wait to hear Harry's voice.

Louis wanted to hear his voice. He really did. But that's not what he wanted at the moment. All he wanted was to be able to look into those mesmerizing green eyes, get to see that beautiful wide smile. He wanted to be able to hold his boyfriend, he wanted to be able to communicate with him, to make silly faces at him, to cuddle with him, to smell that sweet scent that came from him.

He wanted Harry to be okay because he was deeply in love with him.

He admits it. He was deeply in love with Harry who was now getting this surgery that was causing Louis to drown in an ocean of anxiety and fright.

He lazily blinked and openly up his mouth, running his tongue over the lips to get them wet, which only helped a little. He sighed again and leaned forward, rolling his stiff neck, cracking some joints. He didn't notice Anne was staring at him until he met her eyes in the process.

He didn't say anything. He wanted to console her, wanted to tell her that her son will get better, but how could he put hope in someone's heart when he didn't even know the truth himself.

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