Chapter 10

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"You sure you'll be fine?"

"Yes, Anne, Harry and I will be fine. He wants to start today."

"He does? Isn't it too early?" Anne asked.

Louis shrugged. "He does know how to say ours and his name already, plus he can understand small words as well. Besides we're not starting on making huge sentences. Only small words and then we'll go on."

Anne nodded. "Alright. Okay. Alright. Well then I'll be leaving. I'm just phone call away so if anything happens-"

"Nothing will happen, I can assure you. But if it does, you'll be the first one I'll call."

Anne left and Louis went straight back to the kitchen. Harry was on the table, drinking a glass of orange juice.

"Hey, love." Louis spoke. Harry looked up and smiled.

"Louis." Harry said proudly, eyes filled with endearment.

"Yes, baby." Louis came and kissed Harry's forehead. "Are you ready to learn some words?" Louis said and signed.

Harry nodded after understanding the sign language.

"Okay, darling. Tell me whenever you want to start."

Harry nodded eagerly and finished the glass.

"Now." Harry signed.


Harry nodded again. "Yez."

Louis stared at Harry. His heart fluttered. "What did you say?" Louis signed and said.

"Y-yez." Harry said unsurely, more like shyly.

"Oh, Harry." Louis whispered. His heart was full of proudness. He couldn't believe Harry taught himself a word. Even if it was as small as a word 'yes' and pronounced almost incorrectly, but he did it. Harry learned a word on his own and Louis could not be any prouder.

Louis reached forward and gently cupped Harry's face in his hands, bringing his face closer to his. He joined his lips with Harry's and kissed him with so much passion.

He couldn't wait till Harry learns all the words and speaks them fluently. He'd be able to listen to his voice, his beautiful deep voice, over and over again and he'd most definitely love every single second of it.

When they parted, Louis kissed Harry's nose and Harry giggled at that. And if that sound wasn't endearing to Louis then god knows what is.

"Can we learn now?" Harry signed.

Louis nodded, smile never leaving his face. "Yez." He repeated like Harry.

So they were then sat in Harry's room, Louis teaching him some basics; alphabets.

"Come on, you can do it, love." Louis encouraged.

"eh-eh..." Harry then let out a frustrated noise.

"It's alright, baby. You're doing so well. Come on now." Louis was being extremely patient with Harry. His voice was ever so soft and loving.

"Repeat it." Harry signed to Louis.



"Very good." Louis smiled brightly. "Come on, try it again."


Louis pinched Harry's cheeks.

"Good?" Harry signed.


They spend hours and when it was around lunch, they had reached till the letter q.

"How about we take a break now, lovely? We'll eat something, and lay down for a bit. It'll ease your mind."

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