Chapter 9

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Anne and Louis walked to the door of Harry's private room. Once reaching, Louis realized how sweaty his palms were getting. He rubbed them on his shirts and let out a shaky breath.

Anne turned to Louis once hearing his breath. "Okay, love?"

"Uh yeah. Yeah, I uh... could-could you go in first? Maybe?" Louis seemed really nervous.



"I understand. But if he asks about you?"

"Just... tell him I'll be a second? I just... call if he calls. I can't feel my anything right now. I know I sound selfish and I wanna meet him but I feel my heart is gonna come out any mi-"

"Louis, just sit down. I'll call, don't worry." Anne patted his back and pointed at the seats presents in the hallway. Louis thanked her, again with a shaky breath and made his way to them and sat down.

Anne, on the other hand, turned the handle and pushed the door open and slowly peeked inside. She scanned the room shortly before her eyes fell on her beloved son who was lying on the bed and had his eyes on the door. When he saw Anne at the door, he reached his hand forward for her to grab and come closer.

Same silent Harry as always.

Anne controlled her emotions. She decided not to cry out her emotions for her son regaining two of his abilities. It was overwhelming but as a mother she had to think about her son first, with which she had no problem whatsoever.

She saw Harry had stitches on his neck and had a hearing aid on both ears. She gently reached out and pushed Harry's hair from over his forehead. She then caressed his soft cheeks and that had Harry pleasantly sigh.

"Harry..." Anne whispered. Harry's eyes fixed themselves on his mother's face and his breathing became deep.

He held his mother's hand in his own shaky one and with he other one signed, "Again."

He wasn't wasn't sure if that was what happened when someone opened their mouth and he wanted to make sure that the unique thing was in fact his mother's voice.

"Harry." Anne spoke this time gently.

Harry licked his lips, eyes wide. He tried to sit up but Anne laid him down, he needed to rest his body.

"Was that your voice?" Harry signed.

Anne nodded. Harry couldn't believe it.

"Did I hear you?" He signs again.

Anne nodded again, eyes now brimming with tears. She was being strong but Harry couldn't. He let his tears spring out.

Anne quickly gathered him in her arms and tried to shush him down. She kissed his forehead and wiped his tears. Harry pulled back and signed again.

"Can you say my name?"

Anne breath in so she wouldn't let out any sob. "Harry." She softly spoke.

Harry seemed mesmerized, tears still piling up and falling down.

Knowing that Harry wouldn't understand English much if she spoke, she signed to him after pulling back. "You know, you can speak too?"

Harry's mouth opened in surprise. He could speak too? What good did he do that god granted him all of this in less than a day?

"I can?" Harry signed.

"Yes. Try a bit."

"I don't know how." Harry seemed too lost.

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