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    As I entered the room, I saw Miss. Evelyn holding a photo in her hand crying.

Seeing me she hid the photo and wiped her tears.

I went slowly closer to her and asked, Miss. Evelyn, what is wrong?

She just smiled and held my left hand and made me sit beside her. I asked her again, why are you crying?

Hannah, you are just like Edward’s mom. You resemble her.

Looking at you made me feel like even if Edward doesn’t have his mom beside him at least there is someone who is close to him with whom he can talk to or go out with him, because after his mom left him near me, he locked up himself in a room.

It was so hard for me to bring him out but somehow tried my level best.

    But now I can see the way he smiles. The real smile, not the fake ones which he used to make in front of me just to not make me worry.

Thank you so much for being a good friend to him.

I am sorry dear, if it made you feel uncomfortable when I called you, his wife. You are such a kind girl and a great kid.

Miss. Evelyn holding my cheeks with her hand starts cry so badly and hugs me. hearing this made me cry too.

She suddenly stopped crying!

To make sure if she is fine, I called out her name. she is not responding.

She just fainted!

Oh my god!

Pressed the emergency button. Doctors and nurses started rushing in, started checking her. And doctor said, Edward looking into the symptoms I think It is better to take her to the care home or home.

Me and Edward starring at each other, then Ava comes in [Edward’s sister]. How is granny Edward? She is fine, she is just tired that’s it. He replied.

    By evening we checked out of the hospital. We took her to Edward’s home.

Ava making sure if she was alright, she asked me, Hannah, is my granny alright? She won’t leave us alone here, right?Even though we didn’t talk much but can I hug you?

I just grabbed her and hugged her and telling her she is fine.

We all had our dinner; Miss. Evelyn is still sleeping. We thought not to bother her.

I told Ava to get some sleep, she didn’t want to but I forced her to.

She asked me, Hannah, can you hug me till I sleep, it's just, I don’t want to sleep alone.

I laid down on bed with her until she fell asleep. After she fell asleep. I closed the door slowly, and told Edward that I am leaving because it is already late.

He told me that he will drop me but I said no, it’s is fine. I can go home by myself. You need to be here for them.

He said, I am so sorry for all the things happened from the morning, call me when you are home. okay?


    I took a taxi, I reached home, looking at my phone it is 9.30 p.m. I called Edward saying that I reached home.

I typed the text to send James, that I reached home and I'm running out of my charge, I'll call you tomorrow, I love you, James.

I just have to hit the send but before that I ran out of charging.

It got switched off.

I thought I'll explain it to him tomorrow because I am so tired.

I left my phone charging. Got freshen up, laid on my bed, lights off.

The alarm went off at 7.00 a.m.

I offed it and slept again.

Today we don't have class but instead we have James's basketball match in the evening 5.30 p.m.

my phone started ringing. I thought it is James but looking at the screen it is Edward. I didn't know why he is calling me.
    I picked up the call. Hello Edward, morning. This early? It’s still 10:00 a.m. There is this silence and he literally broke out crying.

Listening to his breathless crying, I got up from my bed. What's wrong Edward? Are you alright?

Hannah, she left us.

I said, Edward what are you talking about? Just calm down please.  I'm coming over.

I just put my phone on the table ran to washroom, washed my face. I couldn't find the car key.

I searched it my whole room.

Finally, it is in my jacket got the car key. My parents are not at home, they went to my aunt’s house.

I started my car, rushed to Edward's home. I bought Miss. Evelyn black roses because she told me that it is her favourite flowers.

    Reached Edward's home.

I rushed in. I can see people wearing black clothes. As I walked in Ava flashed onto me hugged me hardly.

She started crying so badly, looking at her, tears started rolling down my eyes.

I caressed her back from shoulder to her waist consoling her.

Looking at Edward, I can see how badly he is broken. Like his world is torn apart.

Miss. Evelyn is being taken to "Rose hill Cemetery ".

This is all so sudden! I'm still in shock because we know how fine she was yesterday.

Ava is still holding on to me.

Edward just started the Eulogy.

Listening to his Eulogy, I could say how much his granny meant to him and his sister.

After finishing Eulogy. Now, the funeral service is about to end. It’s already been three hours.

    By the pressure Ava is putting on my right hand made me ask her what happened?

But looking at her, her concentration is on some woman, who is well dressed. She is walking towards us.

I asked Ava, what happened? She said that is her mother.

I tightened the grip of Ava's hands.

She came to us, after keeping her flowers to Miss. Evelyn. she said Ava, let's go home?

Edward came to us. Edward without second thought he just let out his anger on his mother, saying; why are you here? To take away her, from me? Where have you been all these days? Why do you even care?

I just gave them privacy and left from there.

The talk went on for about two to three minutes.

    I don't know what are they even talking about but I know for sure that it is not so good of a conversation.

Now Ava is hugging Edward and started crying. He just hugged her tightly and kissed on her forehead.

Ava slowly started walking towards me. I just put on a smile.

She came closer and hugged me and said, "Hannah, you are so nice. I'm leaving now, I don't want to but I have to. I'll miss you and Edward so much. Take care you guys".

We finished the funeral service.

Now looking at Edward, makes me feel so bad for him. He just knelt down before the grave and started crying so badly.

I went close to him and sat down beside him. I consoled him patting and holding his hand.

    He then hugged me and said Hannah, I feel so alone now. I have nobody else.

He said let’s go home. I’ll drop you. I said, okay, fine but I’ll drive. Anyways my car is parked in your neighbourhood.

He said, I don’t want you to but fine.

I dropped him at his home. And I drove back home in my car.

It's really a long day.

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