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Y/n: wait grandma! I have a question
Grandma: what's it dear?
Y/n: was Taehyung discharged or he ran away from the hospital? Coz i remember him saying that he ran away...
Grandma: yes he did, the night he became vampire he fainted! But doctors declared him he was dead! Saying that his heart wasn't beating anymore! I was out of town for a few days , so they kept his body aside with some other dead bodies in the hospital, not in mortuary.
One day they were shifting the bodies from one room to another , the shifter went to sign the papers and the bodies were left on the gate..
That's the night when Tae's eyes opened red!
He was thirsty for something, he looked around and found some fruits near him but that wasn't the thirst of juicy things, he looked around to somehow get it near him...he sat up straight and that's when his eyes landed on the patient in the room beside , his eyes landed on his blood bag and his breaths got uneven, he threw away the white sheet from above him and ran towards it!
He started drinking the blood like there's no tomorrow! , That's when his eyes landed on the mirror beside him , he saw his eyes fully red! The blood pack dropped from his hands as he saw his fangs in the mirror.. and suddenly his reflection vanished from the mirror! As he had taken the first step of vampirism that is drank blood, he was processing everything when suddenly a nurse comes inside! She was so shook by looking at him! He was not less than a devil! Blood was coming out from the corner of his mouth as he drank the blood in hurry! Some blood on his shirt too. She shouted on top of her lungs and called for the guards! He quickly jumped from the window .
He escaped, but he saw some police cars following him! He started running again, and this was the time when he got to know about his abilities! That is his speed was as fast as a flash of light!
He quickly came back home where i was, just returned and processing things that even my grandson died!
But there he came from behind!
Tae: halmeoni!!!!
I turned around and was shook by his attire! I was processing everything that was going on!
He hugged me tightly and i too but slowly, and then tightly, coz i was processing what all just happened. But then i held him tightly being satisfied as my grandson was all safe in my embrace!!!
Grandma: where had u been!!! The doctors said u died!! I knew it couldn't happen!! Ah~ my baby!!
But suddenly Tae's need of blood started to increase as he broke the hug and ran away from her and shut him in his room.
For a few days he kept himself locked! Basically kept himself hungry, which was dangerous for him! He could kill so many humans by keeping his thirst inside him!
I had gone to market to buy some stuff and back at home , Tae drank Tommy's blood. He was satisfied! I saw him drinking his blood, and that's when I got to know the reason of Change in his behaviour!
Good thing i was good at witchcraft stuff, that i managed giving him some training he needed! I told him about his brother as i told u .

Y/n: t-that's terrifying! He went through so much grandma..

Grandma: he is a strong kid, or maybe he shows but deep inside he still has a fear of losing his loved ones again. Maybe that's why he acts rudely with ppl he like..coz they would hate him for that and he wouldn't lose em,
Y/n: act rudely and not lose em?
Grandma: lose em to universe..... death I'm talking about.
Y/n(thinks): idk y but these lines of Grandma......umm they hitted differently!
Y/n: oh~ btw what happened that night halmeoni!? U said it was something that shouldn't have happened.

It was my last night! Taehyung was again in my room holding my hand, i was reading a story to him of vampires, which he used to find interesting and at the same time helpful.
I was very weak now, and i could see that it was gonna be really hard for me to survive even one day more.
Taehyung was very upset about my situation, even if i die, even if he wanted to he couldn't turn me into a vampire coz he was too young for it! I had already given his responsibility to his uncle and aunty who too were vampires and were in mafia stuff. They were really kind and always treated Taehyung like their own kid!

Tʜᴇ ᴍɪᴅɴɪɢʜᴛ ʙɪᴛᴇ (Taehyung×Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now