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Taehyung's pov...

I stepped inside the castle through Jackson's secret pathway ...we all held our guns up , ready to attack .
I signalled half of them to go in a direction and the others in another one... I walked along with Jackson , Jin and Minho!
Slowly going forward we reached to an end with three directions, we split again, and this time i was all alone! We had our ear pieces attached to our ears through which we kept informing eachother...

When suddenly i heard some footsteps , i hid behind the pillar in order to hide myself!

It was a guard, after he went away i slowly walked up again and pacing up a bit , i accidentally ran into a guard who just turned towards my side! Before he could say smthng, I put my palm on his mouth, grabbed his neck and twisted it right side as he fell on the ground dead...
I looked around and then
I activated my earpiece and talked..
Taehyung : did u guys find smthng?
Jhope: not yet..
Minho: no Taehyung , ig he got to know about our arrival, i see they have doubled their safety!
Taehyung: ikr he's really clever!

We kept searching for different clues and checked different rooms that came in our way to find y/n. But she just wasn't anywhere to be found.

I was checking in basement , while others were at the other ends of this massive basement.

When suddenly i heard a voice near me , as if someone was whistling...

My eye brows crashed together as i stopped to hear em correctly. I was right someone was actually whistling. I started going towards that direction...

I hid my gun in my pocket and peeked over the corridors to see who it is.

To my surprise it was a girl! She had her back faced towards me, her face was covered with a black mask while she wore a black attire and she didn't look less than a mafia queen! she was whistling while rubbing her nails over the shaper.

Who is she?

When suddenly she spoke..
Girl: so finally you came here Mr.Kim.
I stopped on my tracks.. she adjusted her mask properly and faced me!

Girl: what a surprise Taehyung.

Taehyung: who are you? And how do u know my name!?
Girl: relax babe, we've been together for so many years and i can't believe u forgot me so quickly?
She scoffed..

Idk but the way she talked it sounded more like Stella! But isn't she dead?

Taehyung: then take us there!
We sat in the car and quickly drove to that place ...
Taehyung : but why are u helping us? Is it some of your plan or~..?
Jackson: no no! It's not any plan Taehyung , i- i need your help..
Suga: what help?
Jackson: look , ik u and Stella used eachother, but even though the fact that she loved u so much , i fell for her ... I loved her alot, and did everything that she asked me to, but she never felt the same for me , just a few days ago she went to David and ~ (tells him everything)
Everyone: STELLA DIED!!?
Jackson nodded..
I lived in that castle only coz of Stella, but now when she's not there in this world anymore , i want to leave that place, i know how wrong David is planning to do, and i know the purity of your love for y/n. So this last time i thought i should do a right thing, maybe it helps me in removing my Sins that i did coz of Stella... I thought she has a right mind , she would change David, but she didn't, even after I'm created by David himself , i got to know about what was going wrong .. i thought Stella would change David but as i just said , she didn't she was so selfish! She even agreed to David in killing y/n , like this David would get y/n and she would get you!
Taehyung scoffed..
Taehyung : stupid!

Flashback ended

She sounded just like Stella, but i was confused as she was dead then who is she?
Taehyung : Stella? (whispers)
Stella: finally u remember me my love!
Stella: i waited so long for you! And u came now!? Wait- u didn't come for me again! You're here just for that b*tch , that y/n! Argh!!! Why!!! What does she have that i don't! I'm prettier than her! And can give u more love than she does! We could've lived happily together but no! U chose y/n , u chose her instead of me!

Tʜᴇ ᴍɪᴅɴɪɢʜᴛ ʙɪᴛᴇ (Taehyung×Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now