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Next day...
Stella: David!!!!
She roams around the corridors of the huge mansion trying to find him..
Stella: David!!!!
David: WTH! why are u shouting!?
Stella: where had u been!!??
David: can't i just get some piece of peace in my own house!?
Stella: you had it enough already! Now I can't okay! I want my Taehyung Back!!!!
David rolled his eyes and spoke..
David: i can't with u Stella! If u want your Taehyung , then even i want to have Y/n! I can't live in this temporary body! I need a permanent one and that is only of Y/n! Before the blood moon comes again i have to get her!
Stella: then do what u want! But how will I live with Taehyung!? I want him all to myself! Like he was before..
David: stupid! He never was yours! He got to know about our plan way back then! And till the very date he kept acting in front of us!
Stella: Whatever! But i want him! What's your plan!?
David: it's simple , I'll get y/n and you change yourself into y/n and live with Taehyung..
Stella: what!? Are u out of your mind!?
Stella: I WILL! OFC I WILL! it's been forever since I've asked u to help me with Taehyung ! I want him! I love him alot! He's the only thing i want now! But you! None of your plan ever worked! Day by day both of them have started getting so close but what about me! I don't care about your y/n! I hate her already! Just give me back my Taehyung , David!!!!!! Or else -
David: what!? Or else what!?

He said walking closer to her while she started moving backwards..

Stella: D-David i-i
David: oh wow! Now you're stammering! I can't believe how selfish u could be! It was me who created you! And now you're thinking of going on my rival's side!? And opposing me!? You even dared to speak louder with me! How dare you!
His eyes started turning green! And he started radiating negative energy!

Stella: David! Stop! You're scaring me! I did everything that u asked me too! But even i should see some positive response no?
David: one more word and you'll lose your life! It's been so long that i took of your blabbering! I can't with you anymore!
Stella: *smirks * you!? Will kill me? Then do it! Cuz ik you'll never be able to kill Taehyung ! Y/n was chosen to get those keys. Ever thought even after getting trapped back in the locket how those keys got out of the museum when they should have been in there only? It was all destined ! The locket was still on earth! And u had to be thrown back away! You'll never win David! You're a loser! Negative planning of yours will do no good! Give up already! Kidnap y/n live in her body and stop thinking of killing Taehyung ! Try to think of living a good life with a good soul! Control your negative powe-

David had it enough, he grabbed Stella's throat and started rising her upwards! She was choked and wasn't able to breath properly! Tears of help started to stream down her cheecks , and on the other side green eyed furious David kept tightening up his grip around her throat!
Soon bloody tears started streaming down Stella's eyes , she struggled for help!
David: let me finish u up first!
Stella: D-d-david!

Suddenly David threw her on the pillar as she hit her back so hard and fell on the ground... Her body was trembling coz of the pain!
A creation of David, who wanted David to change himself, hated y/n that she even agreed on the thought that nothing wrong would happen if David takes over y/n's body , and why only hers is cuz she's the one who pulled him out of the locket... Stella is that powerful creation of David who wanted to be with Taehyung ...even after knowing the fact that David is planning to kill her love!
But whatever it was , she still had wrong thinking about something or someone, she was selfish, she just wanted to be with Taehyung and let David, that spirit that escaped from hell , to take over an innocent and kind girl's body and stay with both of them on Earth, just coz she hated y/n that wrong thinking for someone pure like y/n was giving her this punishment!

David walked over to Stella, and pulled her hair leaving her wining in pain! And pushed her on the other side to face her!
Her forehead was bleeding and she had no strength left!
Soon David took out his dagger and looked in her eyes...who was just taking her last breaths!

Tʜᴇ ᴍɪᴅɴɪɢʜᴛ ʙɪᴛᴇ (Taehyung×Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now