chapter sixteen- whoop, there it is

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I could almost feel the goosebumps erupt on my arms, twisting around my freckled skin as I met eyes with my mother for what felt like the first time in literal eons. My mom's usual carefree smile she always wore was long gone, replaced by the most frightful look I had ever seen within her features. The horror behind her eyes had said it all‒she was the one that had become victim to the Demo-dogs outside, screaming out for help. I immediately shoved my gun into the waistband of my jeans, just for the fact that she probably wouldn't be happy to know I was subconsciously aiming it at her, and I closed the distance between us.

"Casey? Oh my goodness, honey," Was the first thing she had said, sighing in utter relief when she realized it had only been me, her own daughter, wrapping my arms tightly around her. She didn't hesitate to take a fistful of my jacket within her secure grip, almost as if she were too afraid to let go of me. She was practically trembling in my embrace, her breaths becoming more and more jagged as she held me.

"Jesus, mom. What are you doing here?" I questioned her sternly, taking a step back in her grip to place my hands on her shoulders for comfort. "It's not safe out there. Do you hear me?"

" were supposed to be home tonight but when I didn't hear from you, I got worried so I started calling around and when I tried calling here, the line got disconnected," She began to explain away, hugging her arm closer to her chest. "I raced over here as quickly as I could but I got attacked by those...those things..." She seemed to shudder at the memory.

"Did they hurt you at all? Land any bites or anything?" I asked her, checking every possible nook and cranny on her body for any injuries. Surprisingly, there weren't any other than a few cuts on her face and arms underneath some rips in her hospital scrubs.

"I don't think so, no," She assured me. She then turned to El, sucking in a shaky breath. "Look, and I don't know how or why but this girl...she saved me."

I smirked, glancing over to El, secretly grateful that she was now here, in my presence and not in another dream sequence like before. "Wait, who? Her? Save you? I don't believe it for a second," I teased and El sent me a quaint smile. I pulled out of my mom's grip, walking over to El to give her a tight hug. "Good to have you back, kid. I sure missed the shit out of you."

"I missed you too, Casey," She said softly and we both pulled apart.

I smiled as I glanced her over, noticing she had looked much different from when I had last seen her. Her short curly hair was now slicked all the way back and she had applied dark eyeshadow to her eyes. To add to her new badass look, she had been wearing a black trenchcoat, light wash jeans, and white converse. "I like your new look," I told her, reaching up to ruffle her hair only for it not to move a damn inch from how much product she had put in it. "It's..."

"Bitchin'," She finished for me assertively.

I chuckled, "Yeah, that's one word for it," I mentioned, sending her a quick wink.

"I guess I'm a little lost here," My mother then cut in, shaking her head. "You know this girl, Casey?"

"El, this is my mom, Melissa. Mom this is Eleven. We call her El," I quickly introduced the two of them.

"El?" A hopeful voice then sounded and we turned to Mike as he stepped closer to El, the look on his face the most priceless I had ever seen. He looked so...happy; so relieved. And I don't blame him. The two of them didn't hesitate to catch each other in a tight embrace.

I then glanced over to Hopper, "Don't you think now's as good a time as any to tell them?" I questioned him with a raised eyebrow. I watched as his lips pursed together and he nodded slightly.

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