chapter three- showers and hangovers

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The car ride back to Jonathan's house was pretty quiet; the only sounds being the rain pattering against the window and The Clash quietly playing through the radio. My head was rested against the cold glass to try and ease the slight headache that had recently appeared. It's funny, I didn't even get drunk and my body was already shutting down from only having two drinks. If this was how I was feeling, I'd hate to see Nancy and Riley tomorrow.

Thinking back to earlier, I still can't believe I let a stranger take care of Riley. I'm always the one to watch over her after parties like that; I know how she gets, I know what she needs. The fact that I let Billy–someone whose intentions I was unaware of–look after her was probably something that I would regret later on. He seemed so set on driving her home, it almost made me fear the worst.

I don't care how macho he thinks he is. If he even thinks about touching her, he's dead fucking meat.

I was ripped from my thoughts as a soft hand grasped my thigh and my head jerked up, not expecting it. "Case? We're home, babe," Jonathan informed me, his eyes then softening when he noticed how jumpy I had been. "Are you okay? You don't look so good..."

"I don't?" I questioned, my eyes furrowing. Was my headache really that obvious?

He reached over, resting his hand on my forehead. "You feel kinda hot," he said. "C' mon, let's get you inside."

I didn't reply as I opened the car door and stepped out. The rain was cold as it hit my exposed skin and I quicken my steps, walking behind Jonathan as we approached the porch. He didn't hesitate to unlock the deadbolt and we swiftly stepped inside. The goosebumps erupted across my arms as we became exposed to the warm air of the house and I shivered, rubbing my hands up my arms in an attempt to warm up.

"Are you cold, baby?" Jonathan asked. I nodded in response and he wrapped a comforting arm around my shoulders, leading me towards his bedroom.

"I'm gonna go check and make sure Will and mom got home safe. I'll be right back," he told me and I watched as he left the room.

I took that as my sign to change out of my tight clothes. I quickly kicked off my converse and peeled out of my leather pants and tight off the shoulder top, leaving me in nothing but my underwear. I hadn't been wearing a bra because of the top so I picked up one of Jonathan's flannels from the floor and threw that on.

I had just finished buttoning the flannel up when the door slowly creaked back open and Jonathan stepped in. "Well?" I whispered. "Did they make it home alright?"

"Yeah, mom and Bob are passed out in her room and Will was already asleep, too. He was still in his Ghostbuster costume," he chuckled lightly, closing the door quietly behind him.

I laughed at the image of Will dozing in his jumpsuit, surrounded by empty candy bar wrappers from trick-or-treating. "Would've been a good time to snap a picture," I muttered.

"Yeah, it would've," he paused and I noticed his eyes wander over my attire before he bit his lip. "Man, what is it with you and wearing all of my shirts?" 

I smiled, finding it hard to look him in the eye and I glanced downward, feeling my cheeks grow slightly warm. "Are you gonna do anything about it?" I shot back.

"You bet your ass I'm gonna, baby," he teased. He then surprised me when he stepped impossibly closer to me as he placed both of his hands underneath my ass, hoisting me up. I giggled at his sudden actions while wrapping my legs around his torso, resting my own hands on his broad shoulders.

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