Chapter 23

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How you doing:)

I couldn't thank you guys more!! Not only did you reach my goal but you did it in less than two days so now instead of writing my English paper and studying for mathsI am writing these two chapters...

Seriously can't wait till summer!!!

Chapter dedicated to @Raining_Words cause she knows how to make me laugh a little bit more than I should:')

Anyway...Wish me luck on my exams:l xxx


Jordan Pov

Two days ago if someone was to tell me that I would be here staring into the eyes of the most beautiful girl in the world after giving her knowledge of my dreadful past I wouldn't have believed them. I would have laughed in their face and moved on to the next girl.

She was different though. She had a unique aura or pure innocence and love. Something about her compelled me and I simply couldn't resist. I knew I would be no good to her but I was selfish. At this point I didn't only want her. I needed her. I wan't lying when I said she was my drug. It was too late to turn back. I needed every bit of love I was able to receive from her. I know I shouldn't be doing this and I couldn't help but feel as if she would think I am using her but I couldn't stop myself either.

With every touch I was getting more and more desperate. My emotions were raging inside of me and my heart was in its own bubble. What was she doing to me? My head was in the clouds. Was she sure of what she was doing? This was also new ground for me. I had been with countless girl but never did I have any emotional attachment to them. The closest was with Maddy and I didn't even like her when I was intimate with her. Our friendship had only really began to blossom when my dad got his divorces. With each one we became closer. If I

knew we would have been friends I would't have even touched her.

I shouldn't even be touching Amiya but my greed was much stronger. I wanted to claim her. I wanted her to know she was mine but I didn't want to make her feel as if she didn't have a choice. I was nervous as hell. I wanted to make her first time memorable. So I needed to ask her if she was okay with this.

I wanted to make sure she was into this as much as I was so with one last look I asked her,"are you sure?"

Amiyas Pov

This was my plan all along. He didn't need to ask me if I was okay with this because I wanted to be with him. I've known it for a while. Every time he kisses me I feel something that I had never felt with anyone. Some sort of connection. My heart raced faster and my palms become sweaty. All the fifth grade crush symptoms would come rushing to me when I was with him. Nathan has never made me feel like this. My body always wanted him. It craved him and it wasn't till this morning when I got the closure of why he was the way he was that my ming also realized that I wouldn't have it any other way.

He was broken I understood that and over the years I know that broken people find it the hardest to open up to others. They hide behind a palace built of broken dreams and fears. For him to open up to me and still admit that he wants to be with me meant everything to me. It was better than any gift I could ever receive and at that moment I wanted to give him something in return. I wanted him to know that no matter what he is feeling he had me. He would be able to trust me the way that I trusted him and I hope after this he would realize that he doesn't need to hide under unspoken truths any longer.

"You. are. so. beautiful." He muttered between kisses. He's words build a higher tension in the pit of my stomach. His hands were pinning mine above my head as he left a trail of wet kisses on my jaw line and when he was done continued all the way down to my collarbone.

I let out a soft moan. I could feel my body reacting to him. When he got down to the top of my dress he slowly undid the five buttons that made it cover up my chest and planted a kiss in between my breasts.

"No bra I see," he said smiling against my skin, as he released my hands and moved his own down to one of my needing breasts. Another moan escaped my lips as his two fingers slowly teased my now erect nipple. The pleasure was indescribable.

His other hand slowly moved down me removing my dress at same time. When the dress finally got to my feet he pushed it off the bed leaving me in just my underwear. I was usually so conscious of how I looked but at that moment that was the last thing on my mind. I knew he had seen so many different girls naked but judging by his lustful eyes, which was now a shade darker than usual, he was pleased at what he saw. He gave me one last greedy look and came back to kissing me.

I could feel his bulge growing underneath me and just the thought of it aroused me even more making me need him more than I did then. The anticipation was killing me.

I broke the kiss and looked up at him. "This isn't fair. Why am I the only one undressed?"

He gave me an amused look. "I'm all yours my lady," he said and opened his arms expecting me to undress him. I headed straight for his jean button, which looked as if it was about to burst open at any moment from the package underneath it. He grabbed my hand and laughed at how inexperienced I was.

"Someone's eager. Don't get me wrong I am too but we usually start from removing someone's shirt." The blood rushed to my face. This is so embarrassing. He led my hand up to the top button of his shirt and I started to undo them till his abs were in full view. When his shirt was on the floor I looked to him to see if I could remove his jeans and he nodded watching my every move. I wasn't overreacting when I say he was big. His bulge started to spring to life and the only thing keeping us apart was the thin material of his boxers and my underwear. He kissed me again pushing us both back on the bed.

His index finger moved slowly up and down my thigh teasing me and my body did not object. He's touch left and inflaming feeling everywhere. His finger stoked me from above my underwear making me thrust my hips towards him. However he held me down before I could receive the full satisfaction I wanted from it. Then without any warning his thrusted his index finger into me making me cry out at the unfamiliar but pleasurable pain. At a satisfactory speed he moved it in and out of me then added in his middle finger. His body was positioned right above mine and right before I reached my high he stopped leaving his fingers inside of me. I knew it was to double check if I was sure but I couldn't form words. I could only nod.

Then cautiously he removed his fingers and let his manhood slide into me whilst letting out a moan. The pain was more than I had imagined it to be and I held on to the sheets as if it was for my dear life. He looked at me again nervously this time to see if I was okay but I could only moan. The more he was inside of me the more pleasure I felt. With each thrust I was getting more sweaty and out of breathe but the moment was too intense to actually care. The tension in me grew more and more and with one last thrust it brought us both to a climax. It was the best thing I had ever experienced and I wouldn't have changed it for the world.

We lay side by side still trying to gain out breath under the sheets. Then he kissed me. A kiss filled with nothing but love.

This was it. It was done. All this fuss and I lost it to someone I didn't meet long ago. I didn't care though because I lost it to my green eyed boy.


I'm sorry I am bad at writing sex scenes but it was bound to happen;) ha x Please don't move now without voting and commenting what you guys think:)

Love you guys Xx

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