Chapter 4

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I was speechless. Talk about timing. Looking into his eyes though, my heart leaped. I still couldn't speak. Oh no. I must look like such an idiot to him. Why is this happening to me? Talk about the story of my life. I thought these type of things only happened in movies.

I think he realized that I wasn't going to speak up anytime soon because he then gave me a funny look and said,' I'm really sorry for bothering'll just find somewhere else to sit.'

NO. Don't go.

I opened my mouth to speak but the words wouldn't come out. I was hurting and the sobs still hadn't completely stopped. Then finally in a croaky voice I managed to say 'No,' he stopped in his tracks and turned back.

'Excuse me?'

I realize how desperate I sounded but what was done was done there was no going back. The truth is I was desperate. Desperate for him to sit by me. 'I mean no this seat isn't taken,' I tried to smile but failed miserably.

He didn't move for a bit and it looked like he was debating whether he should actually sit or not. He then let out a sigh and sat on the other side of the bench.

For a while there was no talking and believe me it was awkward. I could see that from time to time he wanted to talk to me but decided not to say anything. Then finally it came,' do you want to talk about it?'


'Um...that's not necessary. I don't want to ruin your night with my personal problems.'

'Oh no don't worry about ruining my night. Your were crying just minutes ago I can't just ignore that fact and anyway there's nobody better to talk to than a stranger,' whilst he was talking the only thing I was thinking about was his accent. He didn't sound French. He had a British accent that's for sure but not French. Maybe he was also just visiting. Apart from that though he was right there is nobody better to than talk to a stranger.

It took me half an hour just to explain the story to him and every time i mentioned Nathan's name I broke out crying. He was very understanding and had a concerned look on his face. My emotions were all over the place. If I was in a room of mirrors I bet every single one of them would crack. I was a hot mess. I looked up to see if I still had his attention. He's facial expression seemed like he was deep in thought.

Them he spoke,' well I know what you need.'

'Whats that?'

'Come with me,' but before he pulled me up he took his thumb and wiped the tear stains off my cheek. We didn't have to walk long until we got to his car.

He drove a with range rover. I could tell that he didn't come from a poor background like me but when you look at him he doesn't seem loaded either.

After ten minutes of silence apart from the noise coming from the outside of the car I finally asked,'where we going?'

'You will see,' he smiled. The rest of the ride was silent. I rested my head against the window and watched Paris blur pass me.

In what seemed like fifteen minutes the car finally stopped. 'We have to walk the rest of the way.'

There was not a single person in sight but I still followed this stranger. There was a rocky path leading down to the beach. He's master plan was to take me down to the beach? Seriously? How cliche!

As if he read my thoughts he said,'I know the beach just follow me. It's not as cliche as it looks I promise.'

Lucky for me I had taken my shoes off in the car or I would have broken my ankle by now. When we were in front of a rocky hill he stopped. If I didn't look close enough I never would have noticed the cave that was at the foot of it.

'This is it.'

'Im sorry but how exactly am I meant to feel better by looking at a cave.'

He just smiled. Every time he smiles it melts my insides. Damn emotions.

I watched him in silence as he gathered pieces of wood and and leaves. He then lit it up using a lighter which was in his pocket.

With this light I took in his features more. Wow he was perfect. With his green eyes, blonde hair and perfect jaw line. I wasn't complaining.

'Ok so I know this may seem stupid but whenever I'm mad t the world I come out here. I light a fire as you can see. I pick up a shell to symbolize each of my problems. Then with each shell I let everything I'm thinking out and throw it in. This always proves that just like the shell your problems can be easily melt away and you can move on.' When I said nothing he picked up a shell and continued,'here try pick one problem you have right now,' he handed me the shell.

'Well...I wish my boyfriend wasn't a two...or more timing idiot. I mean how could you be with somebody for four fricking years and play the whilst look them straight in the eye and tell them I love you. Could a sane person even do that. I mean he....' I don't know how long I spoke for but he didn't say a word and by the look of it he was actually listening. When I was finally done I threw the shell in and watched it burn. He was right I felt a hundred times better an with no doubt I had a lot more energy.

We took it in turns in venting. When everything was out of me I loosened up and started laughing.

When I yawned he took it as a sign to take me home. Home? Haha the irony. I am a thousand miles away from home and Nathan shares the hotel room with me.Thinking of Nathan made me heart ache a bit but what do you expect? Throwing a shell into fire doesn't bring back the four years that I wasted with him.I didn't want to disturb Katie and Brad either. Then it hit me. I have both out hotel keys so there is no way he can get in. Perfect.


When we got to the hotel he walked me to the room door. I was thankful Nathan wasn't waiting at the door but a part of me was still disappointed.

'Thank you for tonight. I really enjoyed spending time with you.'

'Tonight was nothing really. How can u leave an angel like you to be miserable.'

I laughed at this. As he was about to leave he said,' maybe I can show you more of Paris tomorrow though. I'll pick you up at 11?'

'I don't even know your name and your talking about seeing me again.'

He smiled and replied,'Jordan. My names Jordan and I'll see you tomorrow at 11 Amiya.' Before I could say anything he walked of.

I bet many people would say this is like every other movie. The girl gets the guy in the end and everybody is happy. Mine is far from that because this isn't my movie it's my reality.

I couldn't help but think of him.Jordan.

I like the sound of that.




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