Chapter 24: Leviathan

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Dearest Journal,

The Fey I spotted—the one that I deemed to be remarkably attractive—he has a name. Drusus. Drusus Ashblood. And he's even more handsome in person. His eyes are like honey and his hair is the color of the night sky.

I finally got to meet him after stumbling into the dungeon, claiming to be looking for a new handmaiden. Of course, that was all a ploy. And I walked out instead with a new butler.

I've been letting him skip his dosages too. Percival and the guards refer to them as "medicinal dosages," but I know that they are really supplying the Fey with poison, to dull their minds and magic.

But how could I allow that to happen to Drusus?

He's a kind soul. Since I brought him from the dungeon and let him skip his dosages, he has been more alert, more aware of his surroundings and of himself. Unlike the others I've seen mulling around the palace, Drusus can answer questions about himself and his life, about what it is like being a Fey.

He told me about this grand tree, it's roots so deeply planted underground, and how it's branches are so tall they extend out of the ground and nearly to the sky. He told me about a sly crow and a water spirit. And told me all about the different kinds of magic. His is fire.

So often am I lonely in this palace. But now, with Drusus here, I find that I have someone to fill my hours with chatter. I wish that I could share Drusus's stories with Magni, but I know that would only confuse the poor boy. He's only four. I think it best to keep him separate from this, lest I do get caught and punished for the kindness I am showing.

But you, my journal, you have the capability to hold my secret and hide away. So to you I will continue to divulge my plans to. To you, I will tell you of how this lovely, forbidden friendship unfolds.

Sneakily Yours,

Rhiya Areventus


Dear Journal,

I write now to tell you even more of how wonderful Drusus is. He has told me of his family, which is a bit complicated, to say the least.

He has two sons, to two different women. The first woman perished in battle, the second stays at home. Drusus has told me that his heart is not fully with the new woman. In a way, I pity her, but it also delights me to know that Drusus doesn't really love her. Because—

Is it bad that I want him to love me? I know it's forbidden, I know to him I still likely seem as though I am the enemy, but there's something about him. Something special. With Percival, I never had a choice. And I don't agree with a single thing he stands for. But Drusus—him and I—upon further discussion, it seems we think of life very similarly.

And the way he speaks of the Fey makes me want to run off and join them. I always felt more akin to their kind. I have always longed for peace so that we might learn their ways and worship what is truly meant to be worshipped.

Is it possible to have born amongst the wrong kind? Because that is how I feel. I feel that I should not be a human. Their cause is not mine.

My heart lives with the Fey.


Rhiya Areventus


Dear Journal,

It has happened.

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