08| Being Blissful is Ignorant

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Being alone with your thoughts was not surprising when wandering alone in near darkness after being ushered away

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Being alone with your thoughts was not surprising when wandering alone in near darkness after being ushered away. But Akihiko was unsure whether being alone with another consciousness that acted as your mirror image counted as being alone. They were not the same person, but they looked exactly alike, minus the amethyst-coated eyes and jubilant smile that never seemed to crack.

Or maybe he has finally gone insane from losing too much blood. That was an option. Stupidly drunk on amethyst's mystical properties was on the table too. But filtering through dumb thoughts like these kept his mind off the current situation. If he stared at the dilapidated walls long enough, he would nearly find himself picturing the run-down bar that he used to call home when he was a child.

The corridor he walked down felt endless, stretching onward into the darkness for eternity. At times, chipped doors would make themselves known, but a quick word from Akimitsu informed him that no one was inside those rooms. Only remnants of a past that became more confusing as time went on.

How long has this house been standing for? Decades? Centuries? How has it not fallen apart? And how the heck did this hallway not have an end? His fingers tightened around his elbow as he passed another door. Nothing lay inside. Akihiko was beginning to think that he would find no one in the end. If he ever made it to the end.

The slight curves of his hair poked at his cheeks, tickling his skin with every little movement he made. His hair clunked at random intervals, bouncing higher if he made a harsh movement. Lucky for him, he did not have to worry about being jumped by Remi. Although his Quirk put Briar at a slight disadvantage, the Hero had so much more experience in terms of fighting. He doubted that a college student studying in the medical field would be the same.

But Briar's sprained ankle and the wound on her head were not comforting. One wrong move, and Briar could be put into worse shape than she already was, so he wanted this process to speed up or make it less boring than it felt.

If Tanami were here, she probably would have grumbled about how tiring this was and how stupid the entire thing was. She would likely try to rush finding these people rather than his sluggish pace. Then he would have scolded her, and they would have continued onto a pointless spat. A meaningless squabble but all the same, ones he missed. Funny how things could just be ripped away from you no matter how hard you try.

"Stop." His mirror image whispered in his ear. The melodic laughter of glee taunted him, although he knew it was not supposed to. Akihiko's feet drew to a sudden stop at the command.

His eyes flicked around the area, and it did not take long for him to narrow down the right door. Nearly at the end of the hallway—when did he make it to the end? Whatever that was not important. A chain and lock were wrapped tightly around the knob and attached to either side of the door. Hastily and sloppily was the makeshift cell, but it proved to be working, considering none of the hostages had managed to get out yet.

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