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It's been 10 weeks now since we came back from Lagos, Asaal and I are very close now, my feelings for her continue to grow and we've already done 2 months in this marriage, we take turns in sleeping in each other's room which is very fun cause mama always shouts at us in the morning and Asaal always comes back with gist from school, she's more open now Allhamdullilah and I'm so happy, I've gotten to know some things about her, her birthday is in December which is 5months away from now, she's almost done with her level 300 cause we're in July and she's writing exams, Today is sha a Saturday and everyone is at home surprisingly and Asaal is still sleeping while I'm doing some office work, I looked at the time and it was Already 10 o'clock this girl needs to study.
"Asaal" i said tapping her shoulder
"Wake up, it's 10 o'clock you need to study" i said
She grabbed her phone that was by her side and looked at the screen and let out a loud hiss
"Girl, my ears" i said
She turned around and looked at me with her scattered hair and red eyes
"Come, have you been sleeping late?your eyes are red" i said
"I sleep around 2 o'clock every day, this exams.." then she yawns "it's not easy" she said
She stood up from bed and scratched her head then she wore her slippers and went to the bathroom, I continued doing my work and I put on my AirPods and listened to music, I was so caught up in my work that I didn't even look up, I kept on doing my work until I turned my head to pick up my cup to drink water then I saw this crazy girl in front of me sitting down with her silk pyjamas and her hair still scattered, I removed my AirPods and looked at her
"This hair—
"I know, that's why I'm here to ask you to help me comb my hair" She said
"I don't know how to comb hair" I said
"Lair, Ihsan and Ruqaya said you know to comb peoples hair very well" Asaal protested
"Bring your comb" i said
She went to her table and got her comb and came back, she sat down infront of me and gave me the comb, I started combing her hair starting from the tips to the roots, her hair was very silky so it was very easy to do it, when I was done doing it she packed her hair by her self and stood up
"Thank you, and can you leave now I want to shower" She said
Before I could say anything my phone started ringing, we both looked at it and it was Jasmine, my friend, Asaal quickly grabbed my phone and picked up the call and put it on speaker
"Hello, ND" she said
"Hello Jaz? How are you?" She asked
"I'm good jaz, you?" I asked
"Good, ermmm, is it okay if I come to your house today?" She asked
"Sure what time?" I asked
"Is now okay?" She asked
"Excuse me, you can't come now, everyone is kinda busy you can come in 30 minutes time" Asaal said
"Oh, is that Ihsan?" Jasmine asked
"Jas, that's my wife" I said
"Oh, I can't wait to meet to her, 30 minutes yeah, you'll see me" She said
"See you then" I said
Then Asaal ended the call and threw my phone on the bed
"You can go" she said
I started putting my papers in my folder, and closed my laptop and put it on her table and I left my other phone to on her table, I took my papers and phone and stood up and left her room, I went back to my room and I also decided to take a shower.

I'm all dressed up in my lazy house wife gown and I put on my black cap and took my laptop and papers downstairs, I dropped it in the library and I went to the dining room and ate alone in peace, when I finished I took my plate to the kitchen and then on my way to the library, I heard sirens outside of the house and I was sure it was in this compound, I went to the door and opened it, I saw My father in law and some other men outside standing
"Ina wuni Baba" I said bending a little bit at the door
He turned around and then he looked at me
"Oh Asaal, ya kike? Where's everyone?" He said
"They are in their rooms, should I go and call them?" I said in an accent
"No, no, you come" he said
I walked outside and then went to where he and his friends where
"This is My daughter In-law Asaal" Baba introduced me to his friends
"Ina wuni" i said
"She's Nurains wife" he said
"She's so beautiful, Sir you did a good job choosing a wife for Nurain, I bet their kids will be best" one of his friends said
I just smiled as they kept on complementing me
"Erm, Baba I have exams and I have to read, can I go?" I asked
"Sure" he said
I left their association and I went back inside the house and I went to the study, finally peace of mind, I put my in AirPods and I listened to music while I read, I kept track of time and I had already read for an hour already I removed my AirPods and then outside was finally quiet no more Baba and his friends, the doors of the library where sound proof but definitely not the windows so I could hear everything that was happened outside but not the Sitting room, I stood up from my chair and opened the door of the study and I saw Nurain and someone sitting Together, I'm sure it's Jasmine, but they were kinda to close, but I ignored them and walked pass them and went upstairs to get some papers from Ihsan cause we were offering the same course, I took it and went back downstairs again and went to Ummas main sitting room to get chocolates and water, I walked past them again and I was close to the library door then Nurain called out my name
"So I'm finally visible" i muttered to my self "Na'am love" i said, please this boy needs to stop inviting his friends over, I'm tired of calling him all this love names
"Could you please come?" He said
I turned around and walked back to him, he held my hand and pulled me to sit on his lap, this is so disgusting but for some odd reason I liked it
"Jasmine this is Asaal, Asaal this is Jasmine" Nurain said
"Hello Asaal" She said
"Hello Jasmine" i said
"Nurain was just talking to me about you, he say's you're an introvert and I'm so sorry if I got into your personal space" She said
"It's fine, really, atleast you got me out of my reading zone for a moment" I said
"Thank God" she said
"So you and Nurain, how did you guys meet each other?" I asked
"Oh, we were very good friends in high school" She said
"Oh he really never told me about his high school friends" i said
"Nurain really didn't have friends in high school because most people where after his money, mostly girls" She said
"Ohh, but how did you become his friend?" I asked
"There was this time he was lonely in class and I was a new student then so I just went to help him, I was actually like a therapist to him and we became good friends" She said
"How did the both of you meet?" She asked
"Our parents" we both said at the same time
"Oh"she said with a look of confusion on her face
"I mean, our parents are good friends so they introduced us to each other and we both fell in love and yeah we got married" i said "Right baby?" I asked looking at Nurain
"Yup that's our beautiful love story"  He said
"Well I have to go and study, see you around" I said
"So soon, well that's okay" Jasmine said
"Nurain, Nafisa and Khalid are inviting us For dinner, get ready by 7" I said
"Will surely do" He said then he kissed my cheek and I pinched him quietly, I stood up and went back to study, I tried to concentrate but it didn't work, I ate chocolates and drank water, but reading didn't work, I walked round the library and came back to sit down but it didn't work, maybe I over read, let me go upstairs and get my room, I left the study again and quickly went upstairs to get  my phone, when i carried my phone from my dressing table I saw missed calls from my older brothers, why are they calling me? I called Ya Usman first cause he's the oldest, he picked up after a ring
"Hello Yaya" i said
"Mama na, where are you?" He asked, I could hear the concern in his voice
"Didn't Afrahs mom tell you?" I asked
I stepped out of the room taking this call cause Umma could hear me
"She didn't tell me anything, what happened?" He asked while I was going downstairs
"Your father got me married off to Nurain Dansari" i said
"What? Aren't you like 18?" My brother asked
"Yes, he said it's better for me, but don't worry I'm fine, I'm actually happier here and comfortable, they treat me so much like family" I said
"Send me the Address, I'm coming right now" Yaya said
"Sure" I said
He ended the call and i sent him the address, I called back my other brother Yaya Musa
"Hello?" I said
"Oh how are you?" He asked
"I'm good, you called me earlier" i said
"Oh don't worry you've already answered our question" He said
"Oh, bye" I said
I ended the call and continued my journey down the Stairs, I went to were Nurain was and he and Jasmine were still talking
"My brothers are coming over now, I think they want to see you, I don't know but they are sha coming over" I said
"Huh? Your brothers?" Nurain asked
"Yes, is there anything wrong?" I asked
"No, nothing" He said
"Okay good" i said
I left his area and went back to the library and I continued reading, when I was finally on the last part for reading my brother called and said he was at the gate, I told the security to allow him in and I went to the living room and this time around, Faruk and Ruqaya were downstairs.
"They are at the gate, so it's advisable that Jasmine sits on the couch opposite you and just behave" i said
"Sure" Nurain said
"Whose coming" Faruk asked
"My brothers" I said
"Okayyyy, let me get my hijab" Ruqaya said
She went upstairs and I went to the door and opened it for them
"Yaya! I missed you so much!" I said
Then he pulled me into a hug
"How are you doing" he said lifting my head up to look at my face
"You look tired" Yaya musa said
"Exams" i said
"Oh, you're in University?" Yaya asked
"Mhmm" i said
"Ohh Ashe you aren't small and see me getting worried for nothing" Yaya Musa said
I just grinned and I led them to the living room where Nurain was
"Salamu Alaykum" Nurain greeted as he extended his hand out
"Wa'alaykumusalam" Yaya musa said as he shook his hand back
"So baby—
Then Yaya coughed
"What?" I asked
"Baby? But go on" Yaya said
"These are my brothers, the remaining 2 aren't in Nigeria, Yaya Musa and Ya Usman" I said
"That's cool, Nice meeting both of you" Nurain said
"And this is my brother-In law Faruk" I said
"Hello" Faruk said
"Are they here yet?" I heard Ruqaya ask from the staircase
"Yeah, come" Faruk said
She came downstairs in her black hijab and sat down close to Faruk, I saw Yaya musa looking at her and I cleared my throat
"And that's Ruqaya, My sister in-law" i said
"Hi" she said
Yaya just waved his hand
"So we are all family here?" Yaya Musa asked
"No" i said
"Who's the outsider?" Yaya asked
"That should be me, I was about to start leaving, Bye guys" Jasmine said as she carried her hand bag
"Bye" we all said
She left the house and it was just us in living room
"So, the two of you can you explain to me how you got into this mess" Yaya said
I looked at Nurain and He looked at me, I knew that if I told them that I hated all this, they'll take me back home and there's no way I'm going back home, I'm actually start to like things here and living with Nurain isn't that bad
"So, apparently Baba and his Dad are friends and you know how I am, and how my life actually is in university even though I'm not that friendly, Baba then thought it was best for me to get married and he introduced me to Nurain" I said
"Wait I'm confused, so you where dating Nurain the same time you were dating Kabir?" Yaya musa asked
"No! Nurain and I never dated and I broke up with with Kabir a long time ago, Nurain and I just signed papers" I said
"Oh, So you don't want to go back home?" Yaya asked
"Yup, I like it here, Nurain is a very nice guy, my In-laws are very nice" I said
"Strange, but fine we won't force you to come back home" Yaya Musa said
"It was nice meeting all of you, Nurain take care of our sister, she's the only girl of our mom, please take care of her" Yaya said
"I promise I will" Nurain said
"Good, Well bye, Sarah needs me at home" Yaya said
"Oh my God Sarah! When did she come back from France?" I asked
"Last week" Yaya said
"I'm coming to visit you guys after my exams, when is she going back?" I asked
"Not any time soon, she'll be going to Yola to visit mama" Yaya said
"Oh why?" I asked
"Mama said she doesn't want to miss another chance of daughter in law giving birth" Yaya said
"Sarah is pregnant?! Why didn't you tell me earlier, can Lily and Aisha come and stay with me, please!" I begged
"Ask your In-laws first" Yaya said
"I'm with Asaal on this one, we need kids in this house, the house is dead" Ruqaya said
"Yes! I miss having kids around" Faruk said
"Even though I don't really like kids, but sure they can come over" Nurain said
"You don't like what?!" Everyone said together
"Kids" He said
"You don't want us to be uncles?" Yaya Musa asked
"You don't want me to have a cute niece running round this house? In fact you don't want me to be a rich Auntie?" Ruqaya said
"Nurain your spoiling peoples dreams" Faruk said
"It's not on me, it depends on her" Nurain said
"Did they ever tell you i don't want to become a mother?" I asked
"Why are all of you against me?" Nurain asked
"We're not against you, we're just confused" Ruqaya said
"Anyways I'll send them in after your exams which is on Monday ko?" Yaya asked
"Yes" i said
"Okay then I'll send them here on Monday evening and take care of them" Yaya said
"I will" i said
"Alright then bye" Yaya said
He hugged me and kissed my Forehead and Yaya Musa hugged me and knocked my head
"Bye" i said
They left the house and we went back to where we were sitting
"So you guys, I spoke to Salma about what I'm going to tell you guys and she said sure, Let's go to Switzerland and Rome for summer holiday" Ruqaya suggested
"I'm okay with the countries" I said
"Yeah but Switzerland now? Let's go in Autumn its beautiful around that season" Nurain said
"Then do you have any substitute for Switzerland?" I asked
"Spain" He said
"Oh yeah, that's way better! Uncle Salim lives there" Ruqaya said
"Are you okay with Spain?" Nurain asked looking at me
"Yes, it's a beautiful country, I once did summer school there when I was 10, and I had this white boyfriend called Dean, but I broke up with him cause I had to come to Nigeria" I said
"You're a Bad girl" Ruqaya laughed
"What? I mean he always wrote letters to me and gave my flowers everyday, he was a cute boy" I said
"I wish I had a dean in my life" Ruqaya said
"When you go to Spain you'll find many of them" i smiled
"Yeah enough of Deans, don't we have a dinner to go to?" Nurain asked
"Oh My God, that's true, I'm so sorry to cut this conversation short, I have to go and get dressed" I asked
Nurain and I both went upstairs and I went to my room and he went to his and I got dressed for the dinner.

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