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Today is the dinner and we have 3 more events to go, I just came back from my other aunts house and everyone is getting ready, Nurain is in his room doing work I think, and I'm bored cause I'm going to be the last person to do my makeup, I went upstairs to his room and found him using his laptop.
"Your birthday is in December yes?" He asked
"Yes" I said and we're currently in October
"Oh okay" he said
"Why are you asking?" I asked
"I wasn't sure so I just had to ask again" He said
Then I kept quiet, I laid down on his bed and I used my phone, my phone was getting boring so I just dropped it
"I'm bored" I said
"What do you want me to do?" Nurain asked
"I don't know, entertain me" I said
"Say anything you want to say" Nurain said
"Yay, okay so when I was a little girl yes, my mom took me to Kano for like 3 months to go and live with my uncle, I hated it there at first, until this random Friday he took me for horse riding, he put me on this white horse, and he taught me how to ride a horse, since then I've been obsessed with that white horse, until baba said I should come back to Abuja"
"Really? And did you continue when you came back to Abuja?" Nurain asked
"I continued for a while then baba found out and stopped me from going" I said
"Oh, you did a lot of things when you were younger, did you play football?" Nurain asked
"No I hated it cause of the injuries it caused some people, but when I was like 15 I wanted to marry a football player"I said
Then Nurain looked at me
"Too bad you aren't one" I said looking at the ceiling
"Says who? Mama forced me to do whatever I'm doing right now, working a 9-5" Nurain said
"We'll I've never seen you play" i said
"You should follow me to the stadium one these days" he said
"Definitely will" I said
"Asaal! It's time to do your makeup!" Ihsaan shouted
"Alright i'm coming!" I shouted back
"Who are you doing make up for?" He asked
I rolled my eyes at him
"That's what girls do to look pretty Mr Dansari" I said
He just shook his head, I put on my black Abaya and I went downstairs to the guest room
"You guys look so gorgeous Masha Allah! Someone definitely has to toast you this evening" i said
"Awww thank you so much Asaal" they all said
I sat down on the chair and the makeup artist started the makeup, I was listening to Ihsaan and Ruqayas gist, they're so funny, I finished my makeup in 30 minutes cause it wasn't heavy and she was fast, when I was done I received a lot of compliments i myself had to admit I looked really pretty, i went upstairs to my room and got dressed into a lialac lace that had silver flower designs on it, mine was sewn into a komole, I tied my raw silk scarf into turban and I carried my silver chantily veil, I sprayed my perfume and I carried my silver heels and purse, I went to Nurain room and he handsomely dressed in a navy blue kaftan and baban Riga with a red zanna bukar cap, he looked so good, he turned around to look at me and he smiled, I went fully went into his room and he stepped closer to me
"Ya rabb, you're so gorgeous, I wish I could just have you all to myself and kiss you, Masha Allah, like my words aren't actually enough to tell you beautiful you look right now" he said looking at me straight into my eyes now he pulled me closer and his hands were on my waist, his perfume smelt so good, I wish i could sniff him all day
"You look really good too" I smiled
"Nothing compared to how you look" he said, I was blushing really hard now, he kissed my forehead and butterflies were in my belly now, I'm so in love with him Ya Allah
"Let's take silly selfies" He said
"Yes we should" I smiled
He took out his phone and we took the weirdest selfies ever, in the first one I was sticking out my tongue and Nurain gasped, in the second one he was smiling and I gave him a kiss on the cheek, the third one was of the two of us giving each other side eyes
"Please we're so funny" I said
"We really are" he said
"Let's go downstairs" i said
He opened his room door for me and we left his room, he held my hand as he walked down the stairs
"Okay power couple, I see you!" Salma shouted
"Woah" Ihsaan gasped
"We have to take pictures, this is going on instagram" Ruqaya said
I smiled as we finally got downstairs and everyone just kept on complimenting us
"Picture time" Ruqaya said
"Yaya please put your hands on her waist" Ihsaan said
"Okay we're mixing up the photos, silly and serious" i said
"Okay Mrs Nurain Dansari" Salma said
Then I adjusted my veil when Nurain dragged me by waist, he was looking me while I was adjusting my veil, I think that was the first photo, then the second one was of me fake blowing kisses to him, then the third was of my leg a little bit up and kissing his cheek, second kiss of today, then the third was of the both of us laughing, then the fourth one was of him kissing my forehead, then the fifth was of the both of
us smiling, then the sixth one was of us holding hands, he took my two hands and was facing me and I was looking at the camera but my body was facing him
"That's enough we'll be late" I said
"True, let's go" Salma said
We left the house again with Nurain holding my hand, we entered his black Maybach, I felt like such a pretty passenger princess.
"Can I connect my phone?" I asked
"Sure why not" he said
I connected the phone and the first thing that came on was "luv" by tony lanez
"I like your music taste" Nurain said
"Aww thank you, I'm like your official Dj now" i said
He chuckled and he continued driving and I was vibimg to the music, the next song that played was 'Take care' by Rihanna and drake, I love drake so much, I vibed to it to and Nurain did to, we were listening to drake until we got to the venue, Nurain parked the car and came to my side of the door to open it for me, he gave me his hand and we both walked to were the bridesmaids and groomsmen were.
"Na you and Khalid are really treating your wives well, look at how they're glowing and smiling with love" My cousin Ahmad said
"Shut up ahmad" I said still smiling
Then all my cousins laughed, Mommy and auntie halima came outside to check if the bride and groom were here
"Hello mommyyy" i said
"Asaal, how are you doing?" She asked
"I'm good mommy" I said
"Ina wuni mummy" Nurain said
"How are you doing Nurain?" She asked
"I'm doing good mommy, how's everything at home" he asked
"Alhamdullilah" she said with a smile
Then he smiled back to, just then Halima and Raees came in, I and Nurain went to the car and we opened up the door and Ya Usman came down from the passenger side and Ya Musa came up out of the drivers side
"Halima you look so gorgeous, I love your dress, it's so pretty, really really beautiful" I said
"Aww thank you my girl" she said
Then Raees came from the other side
"Your brothers are crazy" he said
Then I laughed
"What happened?" I asked
"They literally came to my house and forcefully drove me and Halima" he said
I laughed even harder, Ya Usman and Ya Musa told him they'll be out of the country and they'll not be able to attend the wedding, Raees was quite sad but he didn't show it
"What? Stop acting like you don't want us here" Ya Musa said
"Please next time come pick me up on notice" Raees said to them
"That's your business" Ya usman said
Then they all looked at me
"You look nice, and you're glowing, soyyaya glow" Ya usman teased me
"Usman and Musa!" mommy shouted before I even spoke
"Hello mother" they both said at the same time
"We were waiting for you, thank God you are all here, we're running late the cousins have already entered" Mommy said
I and mommy held Halimas hand and took her to the entrance then I and Halimas friends arranged ourselves, Ra'ees came to to the front and he held her hand, Nurain was  standing next to me, cause it was a paired up thing, we danced into the hall with Ra'ees and Halima in front, when we got to the dance floor we circled them and the photographer was taking pictures, I was taking snaps to, then we were told to go and sit down at our assigned table, I sat down close to Nafisa and she took snaps of the two of us, then it was time for the first dance, their song was "can't help falling in love" it was such of beautiful thing to watch, I took a video and started tearing up cause of the way the looked at each other the chemistry was so beautiful Allahuma Barik!
"Come to think of it, you and Nurain didn't have a wedding or anything" Nafisa whispered
"Agreement between our parents, but I was thinking of doing like a proper daurin aure, cause when I think about it we aren't properly married, I just signed papers" I whispered back
"Oh, you should, then after that host a party for family and close friends" Nafisa said
"Yes I'll talk to Nurain about it" I said
Then they were done with their dance, then they called mommy and mama to give a speech, and Halima started tearing up, her younger sister also came to deliver a speech and Halima stood up and hugged her sister, then it was time for a little bit of family dance, Halimas dad and mom went on the stage and danced with Halima and Raees , it was so sweet to watch, then auntie Sadiya and uncle abba joined, they danced for a bit and it was time for pictures, it was a whole long process, cause Raees has a large family, I mean his dad is the sultan of sokoto, auntie Sadiya is the last second to the last wife, I took pictures with my cousins and my in-laws too, then when I was sure every important person took pictures I dragged Nurain  and we took pictures with the two of them
"Are you guys coming for the cocktail party tomorrow?" Halima asked, I had already started feeling sick from the stress of the wedding and everything and we had to go to sokoto the after tomorrow
"Asaal has to rest, she's not feeling to well" Nurain said
Then I smiled weakly
"What happened?! Oh no, it's the wedding stress I shouldn't have done plenty events" Halima said
"No no, it's fine Halima, but I'll definitely come to sokoto with you" I said
"Are you sure?" Raees asked
"Who doesn't want to go to sokoto? And also I haven't seen your grandmother in years" i said
"Toh, we'll start leaving" Nurain said
"So soon?" Raees said
"I have to start my medication and get serious rest for sokoto" I said
"Alright then, thank you so much for making it, I love the both of you so so much" Halima said then she hugged the both of us, Raees shook Nurain and Hugged me, Nurain held my hand and we left the venue and entered the car.
"My head hurts" I said
"So you're actually not feeling well?" Nurain said
"Yes I think I have a fever" I said then he touched my neck
"Slight rise in temperature" he said
"Okay Mr doctor" I laughed
He laughed to and shook his head, I removed my scarf and I put on my seatbelt, I put my chair back and closed my eyes while Nurain drove, when will I tell man that I'm attached to him now and I love him.

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