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Hermione led Draco down from the garret in Shell Cottage, walking smartly in spite of her tiredness, eager for him to tell her what he learned in his visit to Grimmauld Place. Whatever it was, he had asked that they go somewhere quiet to talk about it. This was either a very good sign, or a very bad one.

Either way, she was frustrated to find the sitting room filled with people, until she realized one of them was a baby.

"Is that Teddy?" Hermione said, her voice suddenly higher and loud.

In front of the fireplace, Harry was indeed holding a tiny child. The baby was slumped against Harry's chest, his round, pink cheek cushioning his face as it slid further and further down. Harry's posture was positively rigid. "Hermione, help," he said. "Remus told me this was my godchild, said we should get acquainted, and then ran off into the kitchen when Tonks called after him."

Hermione hurried over, cooing as she stooped to see Teddy's angelic sleeping face. "Godfather? Oh, that's lovely, Harry. Congratulations." She brushed her knuckle against Teddy's silky cheek and set him snuffling against Harry's shirtfront.

Harry gasped. "That is not helping. What have you done?"

Ron was standing close, his hands hovering over the baby as if he'd like to help quiet him but had no idea where the baby's handle was.

Harry was tired of waiting for him. "Come on, Ron. You're the only person here with a younger sibling. Do something."

"Like what?" Ron said. "I was a jealous maniac of a toddler when Ginny was a baby. They wouldn't let me near her."

"It's the nargles again," Luna said with a grave nod. "Babies attract them. If only I had a wand. May I use yours, Ron?"

"Oh, for star's sake." It was Draco, easing the baby away from Harry and taking him himself. "No nargles. No wands. Just treat him like a person. Give him the support he needs and speak nicely to him." Draco settled Teddy against his chest so his wee face rested comfortably on his shoulder before muttering something peevish but sympathetic about how incompetently Teddy had been treated. The snuffling stopped, the baby sighing in his sleep instead.

Hermione stood frozen, mouth slightly open, cheeks pink, blinking furiously. What had she just witnessed?

"Here, Remus said to keep this with him," Harry said, waving a small flannel blanket, almost like a nappie. "I can't imagine what for, but – "

"No, of course you can't," Draco said, taking the blanket and tucking it under the baby's cheek. "But I know all too well. And cousin Teddy is not going to force me to change clothes again today."

As if in reply, Teddy let out a tiny burp, his hair flashing blue.

"Cousin," Ron sneered. "More like second cousin."

"First cousin once removed," Draco corrected him.

"What does that even mean?" Ron started.

Tonks was coming into the room, noisy as usual. "Showing them how it's done, are you Draco?"

Teddy was stirring at the sound of his mother's voice.

Draco sighed. "Honestly, there's nothing Dora likes more than waking up this baby."

"Oh, it's Dora now, is it?" Hermione said, turning to Tonks. "You really have taken Draco on as proper family. Look at him with the baby. It's..."

"I know, right?" Tonks grinned, digging at Hermione with her elbow as she moved past her to take the now wakeful Teddy out of Draco's arms. "And did you all hear what Draco did for the once lowly Tonks family this morning at Grimmauld Place?"

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