Q&A - Part 1

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So I'm here with the first part of the Q&A! I said I'd answer four to five in one, so there will be two parts uploaded today! There will be another one after this one. Let's get started :)

1. Where do you usually place your title? - @RollOverAndDie [Forever laughing at your username! xD]

- So it actually depends on where the title looks good, really. Of course it can't be placed on the face if there's a person on the cover, or somewhere that makes the title hide the main element to object that gives off what the story is about. It has to be placed in either a blank space, or somewhere on the cover where it doesn't hide anything important. It has to look good too, obviously.

2. How do you find the right photo? - @mtvmichael

- It depends. Sometimes when I'm going through photos my eye catches just the perfect one, and it's easy. But sometimes it can be a pain, and you just have no option but to collect a few and then test each out. Sometimes you need a png and that isn't easily available, to sometimes you just don't get a nice picture. So I always mostly keep at least three different pictures for each cover and test them out, unless the requester has provided a link to the picture. I find my pictures on Google Images, Tumblr and WeHeartIt.

3. Can you explain a bit on blending option on Photoshop? (Darken, Lighten, Overly) - @chillqueen

-Alright, so since I haven't taken in actual classes for Photoshop or graphic design as of yet (My Uni classes start in July and I'm doing a Graphic Design Degree), I use them the way I have taught myself to. I mostly use all the different blending option when I have a texture layer or more on the cover, and, I can't really explain all of them, but I'll try and elaborate my favourite ones. 'Darken' is one of my favourites for some covers, and it basically chooses the the layer which has the darkest colours and makes it the result colour aka the colour your can see on the top. My second favourite is 'Lighten', the exact opposite of 'Darken'. It selects the layer with the lightest colours and makes it the result colour. 'Overlay' is also one of my favourite, and it multiplies colours while preserving highlights and shadows. (This is all just what I read online in different sites, because I mostly select blending option according to what I like xD)

4. What are your favourite fonts to download from dafont.com? - @narrymyloves

- This changes every time! Because there's new fonts all the time! I'm kind of a font download addict, but in the end I don't end up using half of them, haha. But I think my favourite on I've eve downloaded would be 'Coolvetica', it's just so simple and nice, and looks amazing on mostly everything, especially minimalistic covers. I also really like 'True Lies'. It looks... badass? Idk lol.

5. Do you use multiple softwares to create the covers? - @chemical-

- I used to. Before I started using Photoshop, I used to use apps like Powerpoint, and online ones like Pixlr Editor, PicMonkey, etc. It kind of used to be a pain, really, and also a lot tough and the results were nothing near to the ones in Photoshop.

So there's going to be a second part in a few minutes, I hope I answered these questions up to your expectations! :)

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