Chapter 24

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The two black cars arrived at the scene at the same time. From the first car, Harry stepped out and rushed towards the twisted remains of the black Lexus wrapped around the light pole.

"Sweet Jesus," he whispered, his eyes frantically scanning the area now filled with emergency personnel and field operatives from both MI5 and MI6. This was going to be a bloody mess, he thought, turning around to see Jools emerging from the other car, scowling.

But before Jools could join Harry, one of the men guarding the area approached him and said something.

"You've picked up the signal then?" Jools asked.

His field officer nodded. "Yes, sir. It's about ten miles from here."

"Good," Jools said. "Get the team out there and get me on the phone as soon as the team is in place. Await my signal."

As the officer left, Jools walked over towards Harry.

"We missed them by minutes," Harry said, frustration growing in his voice. "He's always been one step ahead of us, Jools."

"It must be someone on the inside, Harry," Jools said. "That's the only explanation."

"I trust everyone on my team with my life, Jools," Harry said, suddenly defensive.

"Including Lucas North?" Jools asked.

Harry looked at Jools, anger flashing in his eyes. "Especially him," he replied. "He's proven his worth to me, and I do not doubt his loyalty."

Jools shrugged. "Then we need to start from the beginning and suspect everyone to be a mole. It's the only thing I can honestly think of. This was exactly the information Six has been after for the last twenty years, since we planted our deep covers in Russia."

Harry's face colored. "You're the one who agreed to trade a high-ranking British official knowledgeable in nuclear energy affairs to the Russians, Jools," Harry said angrily. "I can't even begin to see the logic in that kind of thinking, so don't get me started -"

"For the record, I did not mastermind that trade, Harry," Jools countered. "I merely gave my blessing as I had no choice. It was either that or Alexa was dead, plain and simple. And you know how our wonderful government really doesn't give a fig about anyone, Harry, so consider that a royal favor that she and Liam lived."

Suddenly Ros stood between both men, her face hard and looking a bit annoyed. "Excuse me, Harry, I need to talk to you," she said, ignoring Jools and guiding Harry away from him as calmly as she could. She'd had enough of Jools Siviter for one night, she thought. It was time to get to work.

"Malcolm just called," Ros said, keeping her voice low. "He's tracked the signal from Lucas' phone to a warehouse about ten miles away. We should get going, Harry, before we lose it."

Harry turned to look at Jools, wanting to say more to the man but he stopped, feeling Ros' hand on his elbow.

"It's not the time or the place, Harry," she said, her grip on his elbow tightening. "You can burn your bridges after this is all over. We just lost Adam and we can't afford to lose anyone else."

Harry nodded and together they hurried to the car. Ros was right, he thought, glad that there was someone who was still able to see things objectively for Harry knew he'd lost that ability the moment he walked into Alexa's flat that morning.

He felt like he'd been thrown into a game whose rules he had not yet been informed of. For the first time in a very long time, Harry felt lost, not knowing what to do next. This was all too personal, he thought to himself as Ros started the car and they drove away.

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