Chapter 34

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 Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of Kudos and BBC. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

AUTHOR'S NOTE:  Connie James first appeared in Season 6, in the 2-parter "The Virus" and the reference to her role as caretaker of the nuclear bunker in Surrey is part of Spooks canon.  Harry reactivated her back onto the Grid at the end of the episode.

Operation Renaissance is referenced later in Season 7, episode 7, "The Mole."

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As the image of Harry walking away from Montgomery Coultron and stepping out of sight as he left the interrogation room appeared on her computer monitor, Connie slipped the headphones from her head and got up.  She retrieved her mobile phone from her purse, slipped it into her pants pocket and decided to take a short break away from her desk.

She made her way to the rooftop of Thames House, a walk that would take her about seven minutes as she walked past colleagues with whom she’d worked with for years.  Though she had taken early retirement almost ten years earlier, it was Harry who had brought her back into the fold, releasing her from the tedium as caretaker of a Cold-War era nuclear bunker in Surrey.

Connie had a lot to be grateful for in Harry Pearce, for the man had been her champion for years, guiding her throughout most of her career and even working alongside her in an operation called Renaissance.  

Their operation then had been to convince the Russians that they had a mole within MI5 who would give them false information, and who would, in return, be able to disseminate valuable information from the Russians back to MI5.  Connie had been the operative assigned to play the traitor and it had worked, for she’d been able to culminate contacts within the KGB as well as FSB, Russia’s secret police.  

But it had worked too well and even Harry had never been able to foresee just how well the ploy had worked - at least to the Russians’ favor.  He’d been too blinded by idealism and dedication to his country, no matter what the country’s aims were, that even as Connie convinced the Russians that she was a reliable mole, they’d been able to turn her.

She indeed was a double agent in every way but not, in England’s favor.

For Connie’s loyalties had shifted shortly after the completion of Operation Renaissance.  As America’s power continued to rise, it had forced England to step aside and make room for this ever-growing superpower, a move that Connie and others like her knew would create an imbalance that would only grow deeper and deeper as America’s powers grew.

She dialed a number and waited as it rang and rang.  When someone finally answered, it was a curt, “да?”  Yes?

Connie began to speak in fluent Russian.  Harry, she told the man on the other end of the line, had just questioned the lone surviving psychologist involved in Alexa’s interrogation nine years earlier.  He had asked for protection from MI5.  

The man chuckled.  “As if it will help him now,” he said.  “Was he able to give a positive ID of Mr. Jones?”   

“Yes,” Connie replied.  Mr. Jones, of course, was the pompous Jools Siviter’s legend.  “It was all Harry needed.”

The man sighed.  “Coultron’s word is worth nothing.  He is a disgraced psychologist, a quack really.  But it is still a huge blow to our cause.”

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