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Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of Kudos and BBC. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

AUTHOR'S NOTE:  It's finally here, guys!  The ending of BROKEN and it's a very clean version, surprisingly.  Thank you for hanging in there till the very end, and hopefully Lucas gets the happy ending he truly deserves.  It turns out that I love having "lots of drama before the nirvana" and I hope you enjoy this epilogue.  

it's been difficult saying good-bye to Lucas but it has to be done for now...


Once again, thank you for all your votes and comments.  I really appreciate them all.



The envelope was on top of his desk when Lucas arrived at the Grid after attending Ros’ funeral.  There had been no need for him to go to work, and for a few hours, Lucas found himself walking through London, watching families and couples at the London Eye where he finally decided to simply stroll through the aquarium and lose himself among the visitors.  

With Ros gone, killed in an explosion that also claimed the life of the Home Secretary, the Grid was silent, as if the walls, too, mourned her passing.  He had grown to admire Ros, the “ice queen” as he had playfully called her, although it was a term that many had already tagged her with long before Lucas returned to London.

There was a steeliness to Ros that Lucas admired, a firm resolve in everything she set her mind to.  She had been there to help him get used to being back on the Grid after Adam died, and although she was appointed section chief, a position Lucas once held before he was betrayed in Moscow, Ros had given him some autonomy with his work, allowing him to go offline now and then.  

Had it really been two years since he first arrived from Moscow, Lucas thought, too “damaged” as they thought him to be?  

He’d been trying to prove them wrong ever since, though it had been a hard-won battle that in the end, Lucas realized that the only person he needed to convince was really himself.  Was he really as damaged as they considered him to be, once the golden boy of Section D and youngest ever to be appointed chief before he was betrayed in Moscow?  

Lucas sighed, his eyes drifting towards Ros’ empty desk.  Already Human Resources had emptied it, and though Ros had never been the type to put up picture frames of family members or pets - not that she even had a pet - or even little knick knacks from vacations past, Lucas missed the binders that constantly piled upon her desk, reports that she had to fill out after every operation.  

A melancholy settled upon Lucas, weighing upon his shoulders as he sat at his desk, looking at nothing in particular.  He was at the Grid, yet he wasn’t.  He thought of Adam, remembering the way the man drove through London shortly after Lucas had arrived, recalling how he had been the first one to welcome him into the fold, treating him as an equal, and not an outsider that Harry seemed to have treated him at first. 

Damaged goods.

Then there were Ben Kaplan and Jo Portman, both gone, too, having died too soon in the line of duty.  Adam, Ros, Ben, and Jo.  Every single one of them, gone. 

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