#16: Crossroad, High

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"Alright, it's my turn. Draw!"

Jaden draw a card, making a beautiful arc.

[This is it!!]

His eyes lit up showing a red fiery determination when he saw the card he draws, and a grin naturally plastered on his face.

TAP! Shing~

Spell card Polymerization activated! I fusion summon Elemental HERO Sparkman on my field and Elemental HERO Clayman on my hand"

A whirlpool of blue and green energy appears behind Jadeb, Two HERO sucked into the vortex and disappear.

Then, from the center of the whirlpool, appear a giant hand, followed by shoulder, head, then gradually revealing his entire body.

Tall like a towering cedar tree, a spherical marble etched on his chest, containing the raging thunder inside.

Blue suit, and Yellow armor to represent Thunder and Lightning.

The towering HERO with the power of electricity had arrived.

E•HERO Thunder Giant (LV. 6)
ATK 2400 DEF 1500

"Thunder Giant's effect activate!! When Thunder Giant is Fusion Summoned, I can select and destroy 1 monster on the field with less attack than Thunder Giant!

Go forth! Thunder Giant, destroy Cyber Tutu, Vapor Spark!"

The Thunder Giant lunge toward Cyber Tutu,


The little girl looking at the HERO who's just arrived, his towering body cast a huge shadow over her and her master.

The duel monster Cyber Tutu can't help but to trembling in front of him.

The Thunder Giant extends his hand toward her, showing his big palm like behemoth.

Then, without of further ado, The Thunder Giant launch a raging thunder from his palm to Cyber Tutu.

Cyber Tutu: Uaaarggghh!!!

Some believe that being electrocuted is like your muscle being set on fire, but that is not true.

The feeling of electrocuted is like your entire flesh being sculpted by a very cold and sharp dagger, while your heart inflated from being injected by huge volume of water.

Cyber Tutu's eyes can't be closed, tears flows from the corners of her eyes, mouth gaping open, letting out the air that escape from her lungs.

It's fortunate that Kaiba Corp didn't add blood effect, and an audio to simulate a monster voice if not, the peoples presents would hear her anguish and agonizing screams.

Because hearing someone dying from electrocuted would be a nightmare material.

Cyber Tutu, destroyed.

E•HERO Thunder Giant: Mission accomplished!

Talaya, Princess of Cherry Blossom: Dear God... is this what a HERO do?! Torturing a little girl?!!!

"Now, Thunder Giant! Attack Alexis directly, Voltic Thunder" shout Jaden, as he waved his hand ordering The Thunder Giant.

Alexis clicked her tongue, and push the button on The Duel Disk to activate her trap card.


"Activate trap card, Fiendish Chain"

Before Alexus activate hers, Sakura already do it one step ahead.

From the big holographic image of the trap card, appears multiple golden chain. Like a missile, the chains launch and automatically searched for the target.

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