Dead and Dread

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"Open the door." A steely voice ordered.

From behind the bathroom door, I heard the surprised sound of the officer when met with Silas instead of me.

"Hello Officers." Silas spoke remaining neutral, not his usual charismatic tone, careful to avoid any suspicion.

"Who are you?" A male voice asked.

"Silas Golding."

"Is this Eleanor Burrough's residence?" Another voice inquired. A woman this time.

I'd hid the gun in one of the broken floor tiles I'd never bothered to repair. Looking in the mirror to adjust myself, the evening sun poured gold through the window and I prayed the outcome of this exchange would end in a similar lightness. My usual tanned, olive skin contrasted to the dulled colour now, I tucked my ebony hair into a bun, took a few deep breaths and exited.

Pretending to have not heard, I say with as smooth a voice I can manage, "Who is it?"

All their eyes are on me as I approach Silas.

"Hello Miss. Eleanor, we were afraid we missed you. Do you have time to talk?" The male officer said. Of average height, short almost fully shaven dirty blonde hair and grey-blue eyes. He stood next to a slightly shorter woman with brown hair styled in a ponytail and eyes almost as dark.

"Yes, of course officers. Please come in." I sneak a look at Silas, whose much more relaxed than I am almost as though were hosting a dinner with dear friends.

"May I offer any refreshments?" I blurt, unsure of what to say or do.

"There is no need, thank you. I am Officer. Noella Sonders and this is Officer. Griffin Hart, we're here to discuss the late Professor. Gael Osbourne." Replied the flat voice of the woman.

She was undeniably attractive, a seductive air about her. I sat at the table and they followed in suit, including Silas.

Looking at his notebook, Officer. Griffin Hart addresses Silas, "Do you happen to be the Silas Golding also in Professor. Osbourne's class?"

He nods in response.

"My condolences to both of you." Officer Hart continues, "Can you remember anyone who might've wanted to hurt your teacher?" The question addressed to both of us.

I pick my fingernails under the table when I feel Silas' hand hover atop mine, almost hesitant, before letting it rest- a gentle, warm gesture that, to my surprise and dislike, calms me down. Eyes unwaveringly on the man in front of him, he answers "We are both deeply saddened by this devastating news. Professor. Osbourne was the most clever man I'd ever known, with no enemies. It's hard to imagine why someone would do this."

"Was there anyone who might've held some sort of animosity toward him? Perhaps a student? Or a teacher?"

"He was a well-known, agreeable and admired man. However, we are only three students in his class and only knew him on a professional basis." Having plucked some courage, I answer this time.

"In investigating his office, it appeared many of his belongings were gone." Explained Officer.Sonders. "Would you by any chance, know where those are?"

There was a dry, almost parched taste in my mouth as I bit the inside of my lip. I open my mouth, only to be interrupted by her staticky almost muffled radio.

"...another body found. Emergency, all units required on the scene..."

It was almost morbid how relieved I was at the announcement of a dead body.

With immediate movement, they both stood as we followed them out the door.

"It's barely been a week." Sonders whispers worriedly.

"He's moving fast, reckless and dangerous." Hart noted, the same tone of anxiousness and anger.

Hastily, they leave.

I turn to Silas, the same unease drawn on our faces. Walking away from me, he turns on the television, where the news had announced yet another dead body.

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