I am Nothing if not Yours...

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First impressions were always deceptive. When faced with new people or new opportunities, humans will always change themselves to put forth the best most capable version to ensure they secure their goal or earn the other's validation. The thought of never knowing one's true nature or intentions sent shivers down my spine. It was hard to grasp the fact that such malicious and vile people lived among us, waiting for the perfect moment to strike on the vulnerable.

I wonder if Osbourne knew it was him all along.

His friend conspiring against him.

His "brother" killed him.


I didn't sleep that night. I stayed in the astronomy room and read pages upon pages from that box, even stealing a few of the letters that I had not read. I left an hour or two before sunrise, Vincent still hadn't shown up. A sickening feeling formed in my stomach, warning me to leave the house. Leaving the manor, I walk outside, the cold breeze escorting me to a deck where I sit down. The sun glitters on the surface of the water as it ripples and dances beneath my feet. The cold forms a foggy mist above the lake before the heat of the sun chases away the remnants of early morning and the events of the night before sink into my brain.

Reaching into my pockets, I pull out the rolled up letters I stole. I begin to read them, imploring for answers.

'You settled into my life as a mere companion for a short quest, then you created a home in my chest and made me hope that you never lose the key.

You steered the ship of my soul in your direction and ignited a spark whose light never falters. You paint every hallway of my mind with your delicate observations and leave me awed at your elegance.

A blank paper I was, left empty and bored, when you drew maps and led me back into a wondrous world.

Every moment you grant me, I feel a thief for stealing but a treasure like you is worth the reaping.

You are poetry, you are art, you are the words I wish to always write.

And if you are evil, I will gladly be corrupted.

Beauty is evident but the depth within you is a never ending rabbit hole of intellect and passion, waiting to be discovered, urging to be unravelled. An undiscovered secret, that I am too selfish to share but there is nothing I can do, not when I've decided to love what honey is to bears.

Sweet rose, Treasure of my heart and Captain of soul, do what you must but never let go of the steering wheel. '

'Dost thou have no remorse? For the way you have shackled me, the way you have bound me for eternity.

You enchantress, oh how you've bewitched me and rendered me powerless. Tell me, how does it feel knowing that the stars, in all their glory, gaze at you?

Hate me, hurt me, haunt me- prick me with your thorns. I am nothing if not yours, whichever way you'll have me.'

I stare off at the water. How love could go that deep, I didn't know. I only wished that I could experience such a love like that. Rolling up the paper, I pick up the next one. This time, a letter.

'My dear rose,

I have never been to war but you made me feel like I had today. Battles were waged within me as I held myself from kissing every inch of you in Quill's class. Your beautifully crafted answers and eager eyes, the way you look at literature, with such content and passion, my love that is how I look at you. Do what you must but never burden me to a life without you. For a life without you is a mere existence.'

I pick up the last one to see that it was a letter too. I open it quickly to see if it explains whatever happened between them.


I know you love him. There is not much I can say or do, except that I cannot take you away from the one you want.

I love you too much for that.

However, I cannot have you look me in my eye and lie. I am no fool- perhaps I once was for you but not anymore.

You cruel, beautiful thing... go.

Be with him. Be happy. '

He killed Osbourne.

He killed Osbourne and yet my heart broke for him. I have never experienced love like this. In fact, I have never been in love. But if it is anything like the love Vincent had- has for Vivienne then I am both faint with joy and terrified.

"Couldn't control yourself in the same bed as me, you abandoned sleep?"

That voice.

"What happened? Couldn't sleep without me?" I reply.

With slow steps he walks on the deck, sitting beside me. "Do you ever stop-" he begins before I cut him off, "We have to leave."

With a furrowed brow, he examines my face. "Why?"

Having not said it aloud and considering that we were in his house, I hesistate for a moment. "I know who the killer is."

He waits for my response.

"Vincent. He killed Osbourne. Last night, I found these letters in a box under his bed. Pages on pages of poems and letters to Vivienne. Love letters. He was in love with her but she fell in love with Osbourne." I explain, fear and disbelief lacing my tone.

"I just can't believe it. He seemed so kind and genuine. He was like a brother to Osbourne. Why? Why now? If he loved her wouldn't he have done something years ago? He said he loved her enough to let her go, so why would he kill Osbourne knowing that's who she loved?" I blabber on, hands contorting into gestures as I explain and try to make sense of this. "What if he finds out we know? What if he tries to kill us? What if he goes after Vivienne?"

"You-" Golding attempts to speak but in my tangent of worry I cut him, waffling on. "We need to tell Hart. We need to warn them. I don't understand- what if-"

"Shut up."

Taken aback, I look at him. "Give me those papers."

I exhale deeply and give them to him.

"Its interesting you know..."

"What is?"

"This." He yells as he palms my back, vigorously thrusting me into the lake.

Submerged under freezing water, I rise gasping. "How dare you?!" I shout in between breaths.

"I've wanted to do that since the moment I met you." He says taking off his shoes and jumping in.

I blink out the water from my eyes, arms flailing around. "I don't know how to swim you arse!" I jab.

"You need to learn how to loosen up and unwind." He retorts, swimming toward me.

I splash water in his direction and he returns the gesture powerfully. I begin laughing. A deep, hearty laugh. One he reciprocates with an equally loud, beautiful sound. Any concern or worry trickling off me like drops of water. Slowly, we float farther from the deck, my feet no longer feeling the bottom of the lake. I move my arms in a waving motion to keep myself afloat but feel like I'm slipping away.

"I have you, don't worry." He whispers, grasping my back in support. I look up at him, our breathes heavy and short, his eyes making a home within mine. Our chests stuck together, my arms wrap around his neck as his hands fall down to my waist. Water, it seemed, elevated his features.

His eyes flit to my lips, we're in freezing water yet I feel the scorching heat that radiates from us.

"I... we should go." I stammer. He snaps his head away as if out of a trance and we swim back to the deck.

Using the edge of the deck, I push myself up. I turn to the splashing water behind, Silas climbs the platform, his white shirt now transulecent sticks to every inch of him, skin peeking though. I swallow, eyes ensnared by him. He shakes his head, water splattering everywhere. Aflush, I turn and pick up the letters before heading towards the manor, Silas behind me.

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