Unveiled Corpse

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I lay in my bed despite being awake for hours, conversing with my mind, questioning my life. I did that a lot. I was trapped in an isolated room with a murderer last night and almost died, only escaping by some god-given miracle that is the small fighting tricks Sonders taught me. 

Yet again proving the importance of knowledge. No matter from who or where or what that knowledge is, the more you know of the world, the more powerful you become.

Silas kissed me.

Of all the events from last night, this is the one that plunges me off my bed, throwing me into a fit of panic. 

He kissed me. All these years, I hated him and he hated me- we only ever thought of each other as academic competitors. He served as nothing but motivation for me to annihilate him. Never- never as anything more and yet... I might-


No, I immediately cease whatever dangerous thought that dares exist.

I shake my head, erasing such trivial worries. I touch the cut on my chest, my mind adjusting to the eerie revelations of last night, of Waylen. 

Even the thought of him sends shivers down my spine, paranoia surrounding me. 

I need to tell Sonders everything. The wound I reaped at the hands of that man- Dimitri, was enough physical evidence to arrest him and Waylen. To protect the world of their murderous scheming.

I think of that strange night in the library, the odd performance and still unsure of why Waylen was there.

Hide it.

His command to Dimitri rings in my head. Hide what? 

I clutch my coat, it's scent transporting me back to the very moment last night, when his knife made contact with my skin, drawing my blood. Illuminating the memory of punching his throat and rushing out the door with nothing but my gun. 

The gun. 

I scramble to the table in search for it, shoving it in one of the coat pockets before hastily leaving my dorm.


"Eleanor." Says a stunned Hart. "What are you doing here?"  

His eyes skip from side to side as he brings me to a quiet corner. 

"Hart. What's happening? I haven't heard a word from Sonders or anyone on the case, you said you'd keep me posted." I explain. "Speaking of which, where is Sonders?"

He stares at me through his brows with an earnest expression. "She's at the morgue." 

"Why?" I ask, slowly. He doesn't say anything, just continues to stare at me with the same serious look. I repeat my question, unsure if I want the answer, "Hart, why is Noelle in the morgue?"

"We found another body this morning. Around Barton." He finally says. 

I bite the inside of my cheek.

Damn it. 

How did he manage another one this fast? 

Anger seeped inside my bones. 

This ends now. 

Without so much as acknowledging what he said, I run out the door. 

"Eleanor, wait!" Hart shouts behind me. I ignore him as I hail a cab. 

Slamming the door behind me I say, "To the morgue on Tidmarsh lane."

I crack my knuckles in defeat. This was so far out of my control it physically made me sick. 

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