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You had to stay over at a friend's house later that night apparently you had a project to do and you completely forgot Tara really didn't mind as long as you came back safe of course you would

And well Samantha she wasn't with you guys she completely left leaving you two by yourself but that was fine especially since you and Tara had a very close sister bond with each other and nothing will change that

Samantha and you weren't that very close she tried to get closer to you for you guys could also have a sister close bond but you kept pushing her away since she was never around yeah she was the oldest and had other things got for her but still

Hell you and Tara are so close that she ended up giving you one of her favorite sweater and she really doesn't mind you wearing her clothes and the same goes for her you also give her one of your favorite sweaters

And not only that but you don't mind her wearing your clothes it's gotten to the point where she introduced you to all her friends of course you get along with everyone except for Wes Tara told you a lot of stories about him and you really dislike him

But you have to admit once you met Amber you thought she was really pretty more then that actually but you being you thought nothing of it and just let it go you didn't even know if she liked girls like you did and you were sure she had a boyfriend

But anyways that wasn't your problem you had other things to do like packing up for the night to go over at your friends house Tera was nice enough to help you put stuff in your backpack you were about done with it you just needed a little stuff

"Is that all you need?" Ask Tara you were about to answer but Tara's phone went off with a 𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 letting you guys know that she got a message from someone "yeah that's all" you said looking inside your backpack again making sure you got everything

Tara nods as she takes her phone out of her pocket with a sigh leaving her lips while typing something then putting it back in her pocket "okay" said Tara with a smile as you put on your backpack you guys then hear a car honking outside

"That's my ride I'll see you tomorrow" you said walking outside towards the car "let me know how your project goes" said Tara she was standing by the door "I will" you said as you got inside the car driving off leaving Tara by herself

Once you guys were at your friends house you got out making sure to grab your backpack and went inside the house with your friend following behind once you both were inside your friend grabs you to their room not letting you say thanks to their mom

"So what do you want to do first?" Said your friend James closing the door as you sat on his bed James was gay so his mom really didn't mind you being in his room with the close door not only that but you guys were really good friends and super close

"Well it's just a science project I'm sure we could get done really fast" you said getting out the stuff you needed for the project making James sign as he sats down in his bed getting out the stuff he needs as well he hated science but you kind of enjoyed it

"So has anyone caught your attention?" You said writing stuff down as James was gluing things together "yeah but can you glue this instead? I hate getting messy and glue getting over me and my hands" said James shoving the glue in your hands as he takes the pencil and papers from you

You laughed a little as you started to glue the things together "so who caught your attention?" You said "this guy I met at a party last week the one you couldn't go to which I'm still mad at you for not coming with me" said James as he was writing things down

"I'm sorry but you knew I couldn't go I had things to do" you said finishing up gluing you then went to the bathroom grabbing your clothes toothpaste and toothbrush you guys already finished the project although it took at least five hours to finish but it was worth it because it was your grade on the line

You got done getting ready quickly the glue was kind of hard to take off of but you eventually got it all off of you after that was done you hopped into james bed laying down next to him watching the movie he picked out it was old but God you loved the movie

"I picked the movie the aristocats since I remember you telling me how much you love this movie" said James putting his arm around your shoulder "thanks but you know I was fine with coraline too" you said looking at the TV it was the part where the man was drugging the cats with milk

"Yeah I know but has anyone caught your attention?" Said James looking at the TV as well "no not really" you said yawning you were pretty tired since it was 3:30 Am "let's go to sleep babes" said James turning off the lights but leaving the TV on

"Good idea" you said laying your head back as you fell into a deep sleep it was around 7:20 Am when you heard someones phone going crazy it just kept ringing and honestly you were getting annoyed with it especially since James wasn't picking his phone up

"James answer your phone" you said in a sleepy tone "hm?" Said James "answer your phone it keeps ringing" you said as you heard James sign and getting up while turning off the TV since was movie was already over "it's not my phone" said James as he lays back down and going back to sleep

You sign in annoyance getting up as you pick your phone that had 15 missed calls "the fuck?" You thought to yourself when you realized it was Wes who was calling you what could he possibly want from you? It better be good since he woke you up so early

"Y/n?" said Wes "what?" You said in a sleepy annoyed tone rubbing your eyes in the process trying to wake yourself up "uh Tara was attacked" said Wes as you felt your heart stop "what?!" You said fully awake now making James shush you for being loud

"Is she..." You said not knowing if she was okay or if she was dead "she's alive but in bad shape she was stabbed" said Wes "stabbed!?" You said making James get up and saying goodbye to his sleep but he wanted to know what was going on

"She made it through surgery" said Wes "what the fuck!" You said "what happened?" Said James making you shush him for you could hear what Wes was saying "and the doctor said it went well she's resting now" said Wes

"I'm on my way!" You said jumping out of James bed making him yell after you "wait y/n! Just so you know Samantha is on her way to look I know you guys aren't in the best terms right now but can you both not make a scene in front of Tera" said Wes

"Of course she's coming" you mumbled as you hung up putting the phone in your pocket "what's going on?" Said James he was holding your backpack with all your stuff in it "can you drive me to the hospital" you said "the hospital? What for?" Said James

"Tara was attacked I need to go" you said "okay okay let's go" said James as you guys got inside his car and drove to the hospital once you guys were there you got your backpack and made it inside to where Tara was making sure to talk with the nurse and doctor

They led the way to the room she was you thank them you then opened the door seeing all her friends there except for Samantha she wasn't there yet and you couldn't be more grateful for that because you weren't ready to see her yet

amber freeman x fem reader 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now