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"Tara oh God how are you feeling?" You said getting closer to her you were so glad that she was awake "y/n!" Said Tara as you pull her into a hug "you came" she said "of course I came I wouldn't leave you" you said pulling away from the hug

"How did your project go?" Said Tara "it went well but we finished a little late but let's not talk about that how are you feeling?" You said Tara was about to answer when the door opened you saw
Samantha and a man next to her

You sigh as you moved to the side letting Samantha go towards Tara "you also came" said Tara looking at Samantha with a small smile "of course I would come" said Samantha patting Tara's shoulder Samantha turns over to you

"Y/-" said Samantha but you cut her off "yeah hi it's good to see you too" you said giving her a smile that was clearly fake "this is my boyfriend Richie" said Samantha "it's so nice to meet you guys and I'm so sorry if I'm intruding" said Richie

"Nice to meet you too" said Tara with a small smile and a wave "yeah" you said crossing your arms Samantha then starts to hug Tara's friends you tried so hard not to roll your eyes you didn't want to say anything to Samantha to not start anything

You then felt a tap on your shoulder making you turn around to see Amber she was right behind you "oh hey" you said smiling "hey want a hug? Since I know how hard this is for you and we haven't seen each other in a while" said Amber

You felt your face heat up and your heart started to race it was all so sudden "oh sure thanks" you said smiling as Amber also smiles while pulling you into a hug in all honesty you hated when people touched you but in this case it was fine

"Look at your hair I like it" said Samantha ruffling Wes hair making him laugh and her laugh as well while she goes towards Richie's side "these are Chad and mindy the twins my younger sister y/n and Wes" said Samantha looking at you as she speaks

"I used to babysit them all" said Samantha looking back at Richie "which is how I like to be introduced" said Wes with a chuckle  "And this is Amber" you said putting your arm around her making Amber smile

"Hey" said Samantha smiling at her "hi nice to see you" said Amber as you take your hand off of her "hi um..I'm Richie" he said "hi" said Amber a bit awkwardly since he already told us his name and who he was you weren't sure why he said it again

"Where's mom?" Ask Samantha looking at Tara then at you "she's stuck in a conference in London" you said "she called me earlier" said Tara looking at you then at Samantha "yeah for all of ten minutes" said Amber in a low whispered

"Look guys Tara is really tired maybe we should just give her some space" said Amber looking at you guys as you nodded and the others agreed as well Samantha and you were about to walk out the door but Tara stops you guys before you guys could get out

"Not you Sam and y/n I want you guys to stay" said Tara looking at you guys "okay" you said walking to her side as the others leave "if it's okay with you I could sleep here tonight" said Samantha "yeah me as well" you said "I would really like that" said Tara smiling at you guys

"Yeah then maybe y/n and me could catch up" said Samantha looking at you "I don't think so but thanks" you said slightly rolling your eyes you didn't even realize that Amber and Richie were in the room you only noticed because Amber started to speak

"Do you have your extra inhaler?" Said Amber making you jump a little "yeah I'll be fine" said Tara looking at her "okay" said
Amber grabbing her bag "see you later Ambs" you said pulling her into a hug "bye" said Amber giving you one last smile as she walks out the door

Ambs was a nickname you give her you thought it was really cute and she really didn't mind it especially since you were the only who who called her that still it's not like you call her that all the time it's on a daily basis if you could say that

"Honey? Okay I'll just be right outside" said Richie as Samantha turns to look at him "thank you" said Samantha "bye" said Richie walking out the door making sure to close it you and Samantha turn to look at Tara who was tearing up

"You guys I was so scared" said Tara who was already crying "I know" you said as you and Sam pulled her into a hug "it's okay" said Sam as you both pulled away from her you guys did your best to calm down Tara and after a while of doing it, it worked

Tara passed out shortly then you fell asleep as well making sure that you were close enough to Tara in case anything happened you don't know if Sam went to sleep but you do remember Sam waking you and Tara up with her yelling in panic saying something that she was attacked by Ghostface

You were now sitting down with a cop in front of Sam Richie and Amber were also there you don't exactly know what happened but of course you were concerned about what Sam was talking about no one could understand her that well with all the panic in her voice

"I got a body outside a bar on main and then you get attacked here you said the call came from Amber's number?" Said the police officer "so? We know he called on my phone before when he attacked Tara" said Amber moving to Tara's side

"Or and I'm just spit-balling here your the killer" said Richie looking at Amber making
Amber also look at him "and where were you two when all this happened?" Said the police officer looking at you then at Richie "is she serious?" You thought to yourself

"Are you applying that I attacked my own sister? Might as well say I attacked Tara as well" you said a little annoyed "no I'm not saying that I just need to know" said the police officer making you roll your eyes "I was sleeping" you said annoyed

"That's right she was and I was um... watching Netflix" said Richie "ooo yeah  super solid alibi bro" said Amber looking at Richie "so where were you?" Said Richie looking at Amber you could tell that Richie was getting annoyed

You didn't think he attacked Sam why would he? He is literally her boyfriend and by the looks of it he cares about her a lot and she cares about him a lot as well some might say that they're actually made for each other and who could blame them

"I was questioning Amber and her friends at the sheriff's station" said the police officer giving Amber her phone back as Amber gladly takes it from her "yeah I came as soon as I heard but you know the Netflix alibi is good too" said Amber

"Both of you stop it" said the police officer with a sigh "you're gonna put more cops on her room right?" Said Sam looking up at the police officer "yes and I can move you to a private floor deputy vinson knows what he is doing you'll be safe" said the police officer looking at Tara

"Like we have been so far?" Said Sam "Samantha let's step outside" said the police officer as Sam gets up and walks out the door with the police officer following behind her making sure to close the door on her way out

"Hey are you guys both okay?" Asked Amber "yeah we're both fine" you said smiling "good I was worried something might have happened to you or to Tara" said Amber as she puts her arm around your shoulder "thanks Ambs" you said

It wasn't long before Sam came back inside "well she remains a delight" mumbled Sam with a sigh "are you okay?" Asked Tara "um would you mind giving us a second? I need to talk with my sisters" Said Sam as Amber pulls her hand away from you gently

"Come on Netflix let's go" said Amber making you chuckle a little Amber and Richie walk out the door silently as Samantha closes the door behind them you were so curious on what Sam had to say

amber freeman x fem reader 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now