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"Samantha?" Said sidney as she walks over to you guys making you guys stop walking and turn to her you guys were close to the exit as well "here let me" you said switching places with Samantha as you hold on wheelchair for her

"It's Sam" said Samantha "I'm..." Said sidney but gets cut off before she could say anything else "I know who you are" said Samantha but she sounded mad sidney then turns to look at Tara who was already looking at her "I hope you're okay" said sidney

"Listen I'm sorry..." Said Sam "you're Billy's daughter" said sidney cutting off Sam "uh we'll bring the car around" said Richie as you nod following him outside with Tara
the three of you walk towards the car as Richie opens the door for Tara helping you carry her inside

Then he opens the trunk as you helped him put the wheelchair in with the crutches then you both got inside as you sat next to Tara then Richie drives closer to the hospital where you see Sam sidney and gale standing outside making Richie honk at them

Richie knew you guys were leaving town and he was completely on board with it meanwhile you didn't want to go yet because you didn't know how you felt about amber and now that you guys are leaving perhaps you will never know how you feel about her

"Alright let's get the fuck out of town" said Richie "sorry it's my boyfriend Richie" said Sam as she turns around walking towards the car "nice to meet...we met Sam please get in the car so we never have to see these people again" said Richie

Once he said that you started to laugh it was pretty funny Sam does what she is told and gets in the front see "Sam..." Said sidney "no we're leaving that's the only way I can protect my sisters" said Samantha "okay good luck" said sidney

"You too" said Sam as Richie starts to drive off you were going to miss this place well not this place exactly but you were going to miss amber and your friends even if they did kind of betray you and stab you in the back by accusing you of being the killer

"I left a message for mom I told her where we were going you guys are good back there?" Said Sam you and Tara were sitting very close to each other more like you were clinging onto her but Tara moves away from you since she was searching for something

"Fuck where is it?" Said Tara as she turns on the light "where is what?" You asked "my inhaler I usually keep an extra one" said Tara as you help her look for it "should we go back?" Asked Sam "woah...okay I vote for not going back to the murder hospital what about you y/n?" Said Richie

"Well I mean she kind of does need her inhaler" you said "do you want to stop at a pharmacy?" Asked Sam "I need a prescription but I left an extra one at Ambers house is on the way" said Tara "no no no no" said Richie

"I'll be in and out" said Tara "do you think you could hold out till modesto?" You asked "I don't think so" said Tara "okay what's the address?" You said "123 no fucking way lane" said Richie you wanted to laugh but you couldn't because it wasn't the right time

"Richie! She needs it" said Sam "yeah and I need to keep all the blood inside my body so do you guys" said Richie "Richie please!" Said Tara practically begging him "it's okay" you said trying to calm Tara down "okay yeah fuck what's the goddamn address?" Said Richie

We got there shortly once Tara told Richie Ambers address but once we did we noticed that she was also having a party and she might be impossible to find since there are a lot of people in there

"Oh perfect she's having a party" said Richie as Sam takes off her seat belt "who has a party in the middle of a killing spree? Look I'm aborting the plan" said Richie "no no were already here I'll go in quickly and get it I'll be back in five" said Sam as she gets out of the car

amber freeman x fem reader 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now