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"Fuck you" said Sam "well now you're just quoting the original" you said smirking "that wouldn't work with just you Sam see we had to bring the legacy characters back to make it matter can't have a bona fide Halloween without Jamie Lee!" Said amber

"Nope!" Said Richie "Dewey had to die to make it real" you said smirking a little as you turn to look at gale and her sad expression "to show that this wasn't some bullshit cash in run of the mill sequel" you said

"Because our movie has fucking stakes!" Yelled amber as she backs away from Sidney a little and turns to you guys smiling "cause anyone could die in requel!~" Said amber Sidney then looks at a knife that was on a table and tries to grab it but you were fast enough and got it while stabbing her

"No!" Yelled Sam as gale tries to get up and go towards sidney but falls back down "woah woah woah god dammit woah woah no! Hey! Sit the fuck down" said Richie to sam since he saw her trying to go over to sidney Richie then starts moving towards sidney

"I'm so sorry sid we can't let you live either I mean surviving this many times that would be ridiculous this time the fans are going to be the ones that win that about cover it?" Said Richie looking up at you guys "nailed it baby" said amber

"Get Tara out of the closet we gotta start staging the bodies" said Richie as you quickly left to the closet to where Tara was but once you opened the closet door she wasn't there which cost you to panic a little you were sure Sam didn't untie her at least you think she didn't

"Um! She isn't here!" You yelled "what?!" Said amber "what the fuck do you mean she's not here?!" Yelled Richie "she's not here!" You yelled back "y/n! Fan out she couldn't have gotten far!" Yelled amber as you start walking towards them again

"I can't find her!" You yelled going back to them but before you could something hits you making you fall to the floor with a yelp Tara quickly makes her way over to you hitting you with one of her crutches you looked at her and saw that her eyes were filled with tears

"Get off me you bitch!" You yelled you then noticed that Richie and Sam were fighting but he quickly went after her since Sam managed to escape then it was amber she was against gale and sidney you kick Tara's ankle making her stumble back as you got up

You then got up pushing her against the wall you then grab her and throwing her on the floor kicking her stomach you quickly make your way to the kitchen when you see gale and sidney about to shoot amber you got the knife that Sam gave to you and ran to them

You grabbed ambers hand catching gale and sidney off guard as you stab gale in her chest making her yell in pain dropping the gun in the process as you guys made your way to the front door and getting out in a hurry leaving Richie behind with them

After all it wasn't about him it was never about him you guys were just using him to succeed the plan it was always about you and amber but when you guys were leaving you saw Tara standing with them  covering her mouth as tears just kept falling from her face as she looked at you

"Don't worry we'll come back and we will finish what we started" you said smirking holding amber tightly as you shut the front door you guys then start to run far from the house but you noticed that amber was badly hurt good thing was that you guys weren't far from the house

"Let's go to my house to patch you up" you said as amber nobs "your lip is bleeding" said amber touching your lip gently "oh yeah fucking Tara was hitting me pretty  hard with one of her crutches" you said as amber pulls you in for a soft kiss making sure not to hurt you

You guys pulled away shortly "thanks for saving me back there" said amber as you smiled at her "you really thought I would let those bitches kill you?" You said chuckling softly you then grab her hand as the two of you make your way to your house

Once you guys got there you guys quickly got inside and went to your room "aren't Sam and Tara going to come?" Asked amber with concerned "no I'm the daughter of a serial killer we always have a backup plan" you said "so this is his house?" Said amber kind of shocked in her voice

"Yup the house we were before was my mom's Tara and Sam are staying there they didn't even know about this place and this place was kind of my getaway place" you said as you both sat down in the bed "I'm sorry" said amber making you look at her

"For what?" You asked "for dragging you into this" said amber "you didn't it was my decision" said laying down on the bed with a sigh leaving your lips "what a fucking day" you said as amber cuddles up next to you "y/n" said amber "hm?" You said looking at her with slightly concerned

"I think 𝙄 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪" said amber making you smile "I think I love you too" you said holding amber really close to you as you guys share a kiss and fall asleep cuddling maybe you didn't get the ending you guys were expecting but you sure did get a happy one at least for you guys you did

"I think 𝙄 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪" said amber making you smile "I think I love you too" you said holding amber really close to you as you guys share a kiss and fall asleep cuddling maybe you didn't get the ending you guys were expecting but you sure did...

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"What did you guys think of the movie?" You said laying back in your chair "it's way too cheesy" said Mindy with a sigh "well honestly I think the movie took a twist with the sister betraying the two other sisters" said wes "I think it was really good" you said

"Well I can't disagree with that" said Tara smiling "really I didn't think you were the type to watch scary movies" said sam tuning to look at her "I don't know I'm tired" said liv making you guys sigh

"Well as long as the girls got together even if they were psychopaths" said Chad "they really are made for each other" you said "yeah like us too" said amber kissing you "get a room you too" said Richie making you guys laugh

"My favorite part was when the dad was helping his daughter" said Sam "oh you mean Billy yeah that was really thoughtful of him" you said getting up and grabbing another beer "can't wait until stab 6" said
amber "I know right I hope it's good" you said sitting back down

"Me too but honestly I'm getting tired" said mindy "me too" you said standing up as amber jumps on your back "let's go to bed" she said "okay see you guys later" you said turning off the TV and taking amber to bed that night was so peaceful and calming

                              𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙀𝙉𝘿


Omg the ending of scream 5 made me cry when Billy was helping Sam then him smiling at her in the end

Billy is heartless but I feel like he also wanted to protect her in a way and that's when he realized not everything is about him and how he wants things to go

Also! Is Wes still alive? Because that's my concern because in the end it said "for Wes" then it showed ghostface could he be the next killer in scream 6 0: if he is I wonder who's going to be his partner

amber freeman x fem reader 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now