The Root of all Evil

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Its been awhile since I have been outside the underworld. I believe the last time I left was for dealing with Set over in Egypt. Either way its time to get moving again. Angra Mainyu and his creation are the last pieces of the puzzle and after I gain their abilities the Grand Order shall begin.

I have brought with me Carrera and Ultima. Carrera because she is immune to most magic and Ultima because I gave her a diluted curse similar to Samael's. She has already gotten used to the pain and does not even feel it anymore. Thus she has a huge upper hand against dragons.

While I currently posses the real curse and it is the real deal. Apparently even Tiamat would have obliterated Samuel if she was still at full power because this poison can actually hurt her. Meaning that this new weapon of mine is something invaluable for Grand Order and it will grow stronger when I gain my perfect vessel.

Ah but I'm getting ahead of myself. Lets just deal with these two and then worry about Fake Tiamat and the Primordia's.

Carrera: I cant wait to kick this guys ass!

She was practically jumping up and down in joy.

Ultima: Calm down sister, we need to be focused for the battle.

Goetia: Let her have her fun. This will be easy for you two.

Both of them nodded at this. Within this universe not many could fight us. With my only opponents being the children of Tiamat and my children's opponents being the offspring's of Chaos and Order.

Goetia: Lets get going.

With that we sped off to were I sensed Angra Mainyu. He doesn't move around much unless he is doing something against Ahura Mazda. When we arrived we spotted him attacking a human village and tormenting them. Makes sense.

Goetia: Carrera, I need you to keep him busy until he summons his dragon.

She nodded by for rushing at him. Angra did not even get to react before he was slammed into the ground. Such is the physical prowess of primordial yellow. Mainyu slowly got up and looked at Carrera before yelling.

Angra: You dare attack me you insolent worm!!! I am a God!!

He then fired multiple magic attacks a Carrera to which she shrugged them off. She has come along way indeed. The original clan trait of the Balam clan is Magic Resistance and super strength, but she has evolved it into something far better than resistance.

Angra: How is that possible!? What ever! Get out here my creation!

With his declaration a summoning circle appeared and out of it came a three headed dragon that has six giant wings, his scales are black with a shade of purple.

Goetia: Now we can get this show on the road. [Imaginary World]

Apophis possessed an ability called [Dark Field Barrier]. This skill allowed him to make a barrier so strong that is was practically a new dimension. I have upgraded this ability thanks to my potent demonic power. It is a new dimension now, and as such everything that happens within it is under my control. Even the the life and death of the captive. Such is the folly of getting trapped in a world made form someone's thoughts.

In an instant it looked as if the entire world was covered in a black light to Angra Mainyu. When in reality the barrier has incased them with such speed that they did not even have time to see the barrier be made.

Aiz: What is this!?

Ultima landed in front of the dragon and egged him on

Ultima: HAHAHAHA! Of course a weak and foolish dragon like you would not be able to understand!

This enraged the dragon and caused him to lash out at ultima, but before he could bite down on her he was engulfed in purple flames that are only beat by my black flames.


The dragon roared in pain from the attack. I none can blame him after all, not many can boast about being hit with flames that are hotter than the sun goddess.

It seems that Ultima wants to finish this up for she brings out a blade that I myself gave her. What makes it special is that it was soaked in my blood and stays so from the sheath being able to recoat it in the poison. Making it the strongest dragon slaying sword around. The sword is named after the first holder of the curse

 The sword is named after the first holder of the curse

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The Sword of Samuel

She grabs the handle of the blade and lunges at Azi Dahaka. She then slices off one of his three heads. The dragon roars in agonizing pain before trying to regrow that same head. It does not work thanks to the corrosive properties of the poison. Shocked by the damage and the pain the dragon does not react to be cut in half. He just dies.

Kind of sad how quick it was but lets be honest that sword is overpowered and I might even use it against the Primordia's. For even a half skilled human can kill a dragon king with this sword.

The fight with Carrera and Angra is not going any different either. Both Ultima and Carrera are the worst possible enemy's that these two could come up against. Natural counters if you will.

Ans it seems that Carrera has gotten bored of her fight as well. You see Angra Mainyu does not have a true form. He can change forms whenever he likes, but he mostly stays in a gas like state. Making physical attacks hard to land, but Carrera was gifted by me the skill [Penetrate] and can now break through most if not all defensive abilities. Allowing her to penetrate his gas like body.

So she finish's her fight off by ripped him in half with her super strength. All in all, this was pretty boring but at least I was able to grab their souls. Maybe I could make another weapon out of them?

What ever, I still have something that I need to do before killing Fake Tiamat. I need to expand my knowledge over life and death, allowing me to better imagine things that involve those concepts.

And luckily my Grandfather left the world with just the thing in need.

The Sephiroth Graal

                The Sephiroth Graal

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