-Incorrect quotes 1-

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-I'm just gonna call Jane Penny :]
-I apologize if any of them seem a bit OOC


Noel: 'Be myself'? Ocean, I have one day to win Misha over. How long did it take before you guys started liking me?
Penny: Couple weeks.
Ricky: Six months.
Constance: Jury’s still out.
Noel: See, Ocean?
Noel: 'Be myself'. What kind of garbage advice is that?


Noel: What if the 'g' in 'gif' is silent?
Misha: Go the fuck to sleep
Noel: What gif I don't want to?
Misha: What the- Fuck


Karnak: Good responses for being stabbed with a knife
Noel: Quite rude if you ask me.
Ocean: Ah- How dare you
Constance: Ouch
Penny: Do you want this back?
Misha: You just got blood on my shirt-
Ricky: Ok I guess


Noel: I made tea
Ocean: I don't want tea
Noel: I didn't make you tea. This is for me
Ocean: Then why did you tell me
Noel: It's a conversation starter
Ocean: It's a horrible conversation starter
Noel: Oh is it? We're talking now are we. I call checkmate


Penny: Can anyone help me with the math homework?
Ricky: Ofcourse
Noel: Bold for yoh to assume I did the homework
Misha: Wait we had homework.
Ocean: Yes we had math homework! No wonder why you both suck at math!
Constance: *Read at 8:49pm*

Ocean: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions Penny?
Penny: ...No
Constance: I do!
Ocean: I know, Constance.
Constance: I'm sad.
Ocean: I know, Constance.

Constance: Ricky! Ricky! Ocean fell down the stairs! We need to get her to the hospital quick!
Ricky: Yea...no
Constance: What? What do you mean no?!
Ricky: Well you see , I don't believe in stairs.
Constance: What!? How do you not believe in stairs
Ricky: Stairs were probably created by aliens to fool us. There just holograms.
Constance: Holograms.
Ricky: Holograms with mass, to be specific.
Constance: Created by aliens.
Ricky: Which is ran by a overarching group of much more power full creaters the government keeps secrets of.
Constance: ...I think we should also take you to the hospital

Ocean: Not trying to brag or anything, but I can wake up without an alarm clock now simply due to my crippling and overwhelming anxiety, so...

And that's all I have today :v
Have an amazing day or night
Also I'm open to any requests:>
Word count: 401

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