~Head Canons 4~

762 13 76

I promised a happy chapter so here you go ☆

Noel would listen to Lady Gaga.

Outside of the school they all have a meeting spot they would go to hang out, it's usually the community's playground

Ricky and Penny watches cat video

Ocean would have to ride a bicycle or take a bus cause her parents don't believe in cars

When Misha first moved he barely knew any English so he would switch languages time to time

Ocean hasn't curse yet, she would probably use Fudge instead of fuck. The choir begs her to curse once

I feel like Penny and Noel would have like a sweet sibling bound

Ok this one is really random but what if Misha and Talia were childhood friends :0

They would all celebrate eachothers birthday, suprise parts

I don't remember If I wrote this one already but if you mess with one person of the choir you mess with the WHOLE choir

Misha is like an older brother to Penny

I feel like either Ricky or Noel or even both tried drag once


Everyone in the choir is a little bit fruity ☆

Another random one, once in elementary school there was a class pet mice and it was Ricky's turn to watch/take it home and the cat ate it. Don't ask how this popped into my head

Constance definitely takes pictures everywhere they go/hang out and makes a book every year of the adventures

The choir has a sibling relationship

OoOOo I wrote half of this in my global class
Next chapter is gonna be a bit different>:]

And you now the drill, I hope you have a beautiful day, afternoon, night. Stay hydrated <3

Word count: 302

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