~Head Cannons 3~

907 17 51

Tw at the end [I split it up it will te you when]


Misha gets Penny to do the background vocals to his rap songs

Noel has pierced ears.

Ricky has a favorite cat, but that one cat absolutely hates him

Penny would make her doll clothes

Misha is like a older brother figure to Penny

Ocean helps Constance when she has to re-dye the purple tips in her hair

They all sing chrismas Carol's around the town

Trick or treating squad, would trade candy
I feel like Ricky would have a peanut allergy

Noel thought Penny how to make a flower crown [IDK I THOUGHT IT WAS CUTE <3]

Since the choir all have some sort of shitty backstop there all here for eachother when one needs

Ok no more happy one angst time.
[Tw just in case I'm not sure]

Misha parents bought him his own car hoping he would use it to get out of the house for they would see/hear him less

When Noel's mom found out about her son being gay she use to bring him to church and force him to pray hoping it would "cure" him

Misha dosent have alot of clothes because of his parents so when it's winter and freezing in the basement he would but on a thin old sweater and huddle in old blankets

Penny biological parents didn't want her as a kid so they but her up for adoption, she been living with not so nice foster parents

Since Oceans parents ignored her a lot making her feel like the outcast of the family, she promised herself to always get good grades so she would be able to show them and hope they would show some sort of emotion to her

Ricky got bullied as a kid because he wasn't able to do most things other kids were able to do

People would take advantage of Constance when she was a kid cause of how nice she was, it still happens when she's older

If Ocean gets a bad grade, it will screw her up mentally and physically. She would feel as if she would have to work harder


Noel burns himself with cigarette just to feel some sort of pain

I think that's enough angst
I apologize that this chapter wasn't really like the rest 🧍‍♀️
Anyways this is your remedy to drink some water and have a good day, afternoon or night <3
Word count: 425

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