chapter -9 Raghav missing Manvi

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At night in Raghav's room

Raghav was as if he had lost his peace of mind.He could not sleep the whole night.

Next Morning in cabine:

The next morning he looked so tired and sick as he could not sleep through the night due to which he had lost the charm of his face. His eyes was red. He went to the office and was busy checking the file.

Soon Maanvi enters the cabin.

"Good morning Mr. Officer", Manvi said to Raghav.

But Raghav did not answer he showed that he did not listen to what Maanvi said .

"What happened to him?", Manvi was thinking in her mind.

But she did not pay heed to Raghav's anger as he felt that he looked as angry as ever.

Maanvi went to her table and placed her bag on it; then pulled her chair and sat on it.

After some time.. she again looked at  Raghav to ask him something but she noticed that Raghav's eyes were red and swollen and he was seems to be not feeling well.

"You are Ok ?"..." What happened to you; Mr. officer?", she asked Raghav with a worried face.

"This is not a part of your work, you are not my personal assistant, you are just helping me with security inspection, Raghav said to Manvi while looking at the file in a angry tone.

" What ?"..."Why are you behaving like this today?", Maanvi asked Raghav .

Raghav had spoken a little more rudely . Yes, it is true that he Rudely had spoken before, but today there was anger and resentment in his tone. Earlier, at least he would have told his problem if he had any problem, but today he was talking in a different way, due to which Manvi felt a little awkward.

"Why are you so angry with me today?", "did I do something wrong?", Manvi asked Raghav.

"When did you do something right?", Raghav told Maanvi in angry tone.

"You... are you angry for yesterday?", Maanvi asked Raghav looking at him in wait for his answer.

"Please!.."Just do your work", "you don't need to take interest in my mood?", Raghav replied to Manvi.

Hearing Raghav's answer, Manvi also started getting angry, now she too was tired of asking and Raghav was just talking rudely.

"Calm down, it's ok..He is an Angry Bird", Manvi closed her eyes and thought in her mind.

Maanvi turns and goes to her table.Maanvi took out the toffee from her bag and went to Raghav's table.

"I'm really sorry ..";"if I did something wrong", Maanvi said to Raghav.

Maanvi stood beside Raghav and placed the toffee on the file that Raghav was watching.

"Eat this and please try to speak a little sweeter", Maanvi said to Raghav .

But Raghav picked up that toffee and threw it down.Maanvi's attempt to persuade Raghav was troubling Raghav even more.

"what happened to you?, Are you sick?", Maanvi said touching Raghav's cheek, Maanvi was checking his temperature.

"just stop it, what are you doing?" After all... what is your intention?", Raghav shouted at Maanvi and stood at his place.

Raghav angrily said to Maanvi, "you have come just to create trouble in my life"....." whenever I think of you, my mood  only got spoiled; You just always did such work which troubles me, please focus on your work and you stop troubling me".

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