Becoming Part 6

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You chucked your dirty clothes into the laundry basket behind your door, Jim wanted to get to bed after a good few hours of playing around with the magical set of armor.  You remembered briefly while you were watching him play around, something was watching you as at some moments the breeze was freezing cold despite it still being part of summer.  While on other times it seemed scorching hot, you paid no heed to it as you were amused  with Jim.  Considering that when he got the sword stuck in the stone, he took a few tumbles just trying to get the sword out of the stone.  Only to get it stuck in another stone right after, it was after an hour or two before he really got the hang of it kind of.  

At least afterwards he didn’t get the sword stuck anymore, and could spin it similarly to a knife.  It didn’t surprise you though, someone with knife skills such as Jim could easily learn how to use a sword over time.  Since a sword was like a double edged knife, although longer and a hundred percent more deadly it has similarities on how it cuts and is used.

Sitting down at your desk, you look at the clock hanging right above your window.  It was 10:45 pm, it actually took longer than you expected.  Plus you had to somehow help Jim deactivate the armor before his mother got home, which was luckily not for another two hours.  

You chuckled at the thought of it, his mother really did work hard for all of us, sometimes too hard.  You were slightly envious, you do wish you had that type of motherly love along with motherly.  Your mother and father were practically never around in your own life back where you truly belonged, and it seemed it was the exact same here.  Not that it surprised you, your parents were extremely rich though they never took it for granted and kept ninety-five percent of the money kept away in the bank account and sending you money monthly or weekly.  So you could get food and supplies for your crafts or mostly dreamcatchers, and floral crowns you love to make.  

It also seemed that you still had your mini online store, where you did costume made things for people along with pre-made items.  Funny thing is though there were a lot more requests, and purchases than where you originally.  

Now that you thought about it, your memory also was becoming blurry and different memories seemed to be replacing your own.  As you thought about that, the thought went away just as quickly not leaving a trace behind.  

Completely forgetting about what you just thought, you eyes trailed to your wrist were the three bracelets laid on your wrists.  

‘I should probably take those off, don’t want them getting caught on anything while I am sleeping,’ You thought as you went to take them off.  When you did you went to take of the one with the bird skull and black feather, but when you touched it and went to take it off.  It shunk some and turned burning hot.  

You yanked your hand off the bracelet gasping from the sudden heat that it produced, you didn’t feel the heat on your wrist, just the part of your hand you used to try to take it off.  Shaking your hand, you panicked.  

What the hell?  How in the absolute high heavens happened?  You then tried out of pure panic, went to take off the blue one.  Instead of turning scorching hot, it turned ice cold, not the kind of cold that you feel from an ice cube but deadly cold.  The type of cold that could freeze you to death in a second, much like from the movie The Day After Tomorrow when the snow storm comes rolling in freezing everything in itś path instantly.  

You hissed again, finally learning your lesson and your mind cleared from the panic.  You stared at the three bracelets, and started to question yourself.  

Why did you put on three bracelets and not think about the consequences of your actions?  As you didn’t know where the hell they came from, and on top of that you never saw them before… You felt extremely foolish and dull-minded.  

Majikku : TrollHunter x reader (Various)Where stories live. Discover now